C h a p t e r 10:

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Natasha's P.O.V.

I woke up with a start, sweating, as I had a nightmare. This always happened to me, and I don't know how to get rid of them. It was then that it hit me: today, one year ago, was when Morgana supposedly died. I was devastated.


"We have a problem guys, a big problem. Morgana has disappeared, I repeat Morgana has disappeared. No one knows where she went, but she was shot before that happened." I heard Steve say through the ear piece.

"What?!" I couldn't believe what I had heard. She couldn't be dead, I thought, she couldn't be! My little girl couldn't have left me.

Out of anger, I pushed myself to fight harder, not only for her but for the benefit of the people of Sokovia. Once the fight was over and the war was won, we went back on the Quinjet and everything was quiet.

No one talked about the fact that one of our own was gone, and I liked the silence. If I were to cry about it, it wouldn't be around others. After we arrived at the new SHIELD headquarters, I immediately got off the plane and left for some alone time. I replayed the moment when I was told the news, and started to sob quietly.

Once shaking my head out of my thoughts and back into reality, I noticed something warm on my cheeks and realized that I was crying. God, I really have to stop with this. Not only has her death effected me emotionally, but physically as well: I can't sleep at night and everywhere I look, she's always there. Getting up from under the covers, I put my slippers on and headed to the kitchen for some coffee.

"Good mornin- Yikes! Didn't get much sleep last night huh Romanoff?" I recognized the sarcastic voice to belong to Tony. I only glared at him in response.

"I wouldn't mess with her if I were you." warned Steve.

"Actually, I didn't. Did you?" I asked Stark.

"Oh yah, I slept like a baby." he answered as-a-matter-of-factly.

What an asshole, I thought. Just as I took as sip from my mug, the twins entered the kitchen.

"Good morning." said Wanda, as Pietro yawned then nodded. The room had filled with Good mornings or grunts.

"Hey, Wanda, why don't you do some girly shit with Nat, like go shopping or something?" suddenly Stark asked. "It could keep you guys occupied for a while."

"Da, that is a good idea. If Natasha is willing to." she answered.

"Yah," I took a sip of coffee, "that is a great idea. Why don't we get ready in a bit, I'll meet you in the living room at 10."

"Sounds good." Wanda said with a smile as she and her brother left the room, with cups filled of orange juice and pastries in their hands.

"How are you feeling?" asked Steve once the twins left.

"Well, considering that today is Morgana's one year, I'm trying to hold up. It's not the same you know, I feel when I do something or go somewhere, a part of me is missing. It's hard, knowing you won't see someone again is hard." I looked at the floor the entire time I talked.

"I feel you, and yes it's hard. But sometimes you have to accept it." Steve replied softly. I smiled at him sadly.

"Yah well, I can't let it beat me up can I?"

"Not at all." I quickly finished my coffee and left the kitchen. Once in my room, I quickly took a shower and changed into a black tank top under a grey hoodie, some black jeans, and black hightops. I then grabbed my purse and went down to the living room, where I waited patiently for Wanda.

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