C h a p t e r 14:

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*One week later *

Morgana's P.O.V.

The team all sat in the living room, lying around, having nothing to do what-so-ever.

"Ugggghhhh, I'm bored!" Whined Pietro, as everyone was sprawled on either the couches or on the floor.

I was sitting upside down on the couch, playing with my claws while humming the ABC's. "H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P-"

"SHUT UP MORGANA!" Exclaimed Tony, as he was slighty drunk. "No one wants to hear you sing! You suck!"

"Is that right Tony? How about I kick your ass in a karaoke competition, right here right now!" I yelled, getting up from my spot and walking towards him.

Natasha immediately shot up from her spot on the ground and held Tony back as he advanced my way. Meanwhile Pietro ran in front of me, as Steve grabbed my wrist from behind.

"Calm down kid, why don't we do something else?" Offered Steve.

"Yah why don't we have game night?" Natasha asked.

"I don't know what Game Night is Lady Natasha, do teach me." Replied The God of Lightning.

"Oh no."

"Oh yes."

"Hey, no fair!" Cried Wanda as Tony kept skipping her turn in Uno. This is why people leave Tony out of game night, and ignore him when he bugs.

"Didn't I already win?" Pietro asked, as he looked around confused.

"No kiddo, I won." Tony snickered.

"Like my other mother would say, 'Si no va a jugar bien, entonces no juege en absoluto'. So, let me translate that into simpler words that pea-sized brains like you can understand, Stark. STOP CHEATING." I glared at Tony, as he just smirked at me. (If you aren't going to play right, then don't play at all.)

"Why don't we do something tomorrow, like as a team?" asked Steve.

"Sorry, I'm booked." I informed them, only to get some crazy looks.

"I'm sorry what?" asked Tony.

"I have a date tomorrow."

"With who?!" exclaimed Pietro, wide-eyed. And from there, the whole room erupted.

"You actually have a date? Hahahaha! Don't mess with us Morgana." That little weasel, Stark, started laughing at me.

"You are courting someone Lady Morgana? I am impressed." commented Thor.

"Calm down, geez! I'm going with a guy, Jason." I answered.

"So where'd you meet the lucky fella? Huh?" asked Tony, smirking.

"When I was jogging one day." I replied.

"You've got to be kidding me Morg, jogging my ass! Cap went jogging and met Sam, but you don't see them going on a date any time soon!" Natasha exasperatedly butted in.

"Natasha!" Steve whined.

"Well, it's the truth. And I'm not gonna lie, I'm still waiting for that day to occur." Mom smirked.

"I hate you." Rogers muttered.

"The feelings mutual buddy."

"Damn, it sure seems like you all are surprised someone actually asked me on a date. That's kinda messed up man."

"Where are you going?" asked Pietro.

"Now why would you want to know that, Speedy?" Tony asked Pietro, who looked down embarrassed.

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