Chapter 15

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When Enjolras first woke up, he was very confused. He was in a strange environment that he didn't recognize, and he honestly couldn't think of the last thing he remembered.

"How you feeling, Apollo?" he looked up and saw Grantaire smiling at him.

"Not very god-like at the moment." He replied, holding his aching head. "What happened?"

"You were very sick." He took a hold of his hand. "Apparently, you got a disease from one of the men at the inn. Sorry, Joly or Combeferre could explain it better than me. The good news though, is that the doctors are saying the treatment, worked, and you've made a full recovery. They're going to let you out tomorrow."

"How long have I been out?" about a week. His eyes widened to the size of saucers. "Don't worry. He assured. We've been able to handle things just fine in your absence."

"But... the inn." He insisted. "I haven't gone to work. They'll take Gavroche away!"

Grantaire smiled, "We've actually been quite busy while you were asleep." He went over to the door and opened it. Suddenly, a flood of Les Amis, Éponine, Cossette, and a man he didn't recognize came pouring into the room.

"Enjy!" Gavroche came running over to his bed, and for once in his life, he gently jumped into his lap and snuggled into his chest. "I was so worried about you..."

"I'm sorry." Enjolras squeezed his brother as tight as he could. "Who have you been staying with this week?"

"We've been cycling him," Marius answered.

"Be honest, Gavroche, who was your favorite?" Bahorel asked with a smirk.

He thought about it, "Ummm... Enjolras!" he suddenly squeezed him tighter.

"Ha." Enjolras smirked at him.

"Would you like to hear what we've been working on?" Combeferre asked with excitement.

He just nodded.

"Well, obviously we wanted to get rid of the Thénardiers after what they've been doing to you for all these years." Feuilly began.

"The issue was," Jehan continued, "How do we go about getting them arrested?"

"That's where Éponine and Cossette come in." Marius gestured to the girls.

"Enjolras," Cossette stepped forward. "We'd like you to meet our Papa, Monsieur Madeleine"

A kind-looking man with grey hair and a beard stepped forward. "It's nice to finally meet you, young man." He held a hand, out to him. "I have heard much about you."

Enjolras shook his hand and was impressed by the man's grip. "You have?"

"You have been the subject of many a prayer over the years." He gave him a kind smile.

"Oh..." Enjolras blushed. "Thank you..."

"Papa knows a very well-respected police officer in the city." Éponine began.

Bossuet rolled his eyes, "I don't know if "respected" is the word I would use..."

"Just because Javert had gone up against us in our rallies, doesn't mean that he isn't good at his job." Joly pointed out.

"I suppose you're right." Bossuet huffed.

"I always am." Joly said with a smirk, which ended in a punch to the shoulder, "Ew don't touch me!"

"It was Papa's idea to contact Javert," Cossette explained.

"I went and talked to him, and told him that I believed the Thénardiers were running an illegal prostitution ring outside of their inn." Added Combeferre. "Obviously, there was plenty of evidence against them, not to mention all of the stealing over the years. So yesterday morning, they were arrested."

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