Chapter 16

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It wasn't the time for Jungkook to back out from something he wants so fiercely. If Jungkook wants it now then he won't compromise and pretend that he can wait and get it later. No. He won't be a coward and hide behind the flush of his body. No. He would like to drop on his knees like a diva and receive the pleasure he deserves.

The Alcohol was running in his veins and Jungkook needed that push to snatch his desires out of his heart and let them jingle in the real world.

So he did that. In between the narrow space of two buildings where the lights of lampost ain't even flickering, he dropped on his knees. 

His knees touched the bricky floor as his hands went behind Taehyung's hips and pushed his body against the wall. 

Taehyung realized his breath got stuck as soon as he saw Jungkook looked up at him with such a desire that he wanted to let out a moan in need. He caressed Jungkook's hair, letting his finger touch the soft curls. His fingers traveled down to his warm ears, fluffy cheeks and then his lips. 

Jungkook parted his lips, taking the two fingers inside his mouth before swirling his tongue over them. They tasted like lemon, the aftertaste of their drinks. Long fingers played with his tongue while his hands popped off the buttons of Taehyung's pants with ease. 

His movements were accurate and smooth when he pulled the pants down till Taehyung's knees. His eyes were focused now on the boxers as his hands touched the hanging girth of Taehyung's cock.

Taehyung bit his lips in a hiss and dragged his fingers out of Jungkook's mouth. The latter used this time to latch his face forward and suck on the tip of the cock over the cloth. 

The roughness over his slit made Taehyung moan in the back of his throat. He dipped his wet and slippery finger inside his mouth, tasting the remnants of Jungkook right onto his tongue.

Taehyung grabbed his boxers, thumb tucked under the waistline of it and jerked them down in a swift motion, his hand stroked the length of cock and his features darkened when he saw Jungkook staring at his cock with sparkling doe eyes.

"Open up." He grumbled and Jungkook obeyed as he opened his mouth widely. Taehyung smeared the tip of his cock on the mole under Jungkook's lower lip, using it as a bridge to slide up the foreskin of his cock.

Jungkook's tongue peeked out and touched the hot slit dead on, it gave some thin strokes before swirling all around the tip. Taehyung bit his lower lip under his teeth, he let that tongue lure his cock inside. Jungkook hummed when he finally finally sucked on the tip, his hands curled around Taehyung's ass in a harsh grip.

He strokes the tip slowly, poking the slit in small rounds and strings. Taehyung was still guiding the cock inside his mouth, holding half of his cock in his fist. He pushed away Jungkook's hair from his forehead and lifted his head. As soon as Jungkook matched his eyes, Taehyung fed his girth till it filled the back of his throat.

Those doe eyes widened and filled with moisture as Taehyung pulled his cock back," Your eyes are so hungry." He pressed his cock inside Jungkook's mouth and the younger hummed in silence.  

"My mouth is too." His words were slurred, tongue still combined with the cock with a thread of saliva as Jungkook speaks. Taehyung pushed his cock inside again, gliding it back and forth till he stretched the throat nice and round.

"Go for it then. Satisfy your hunger, earn my cum and fill your mouth." Taehyung gritted with a tight smile as his hands loosened up from the cock and grabbed Jungkook's head from the back. As soon as his grip on the cock loosened, Jungkook lurched forward. 

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