Chapter 5 - A Hunter's Calling

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"Collen...I'm honestly jealous!", Gwen pouts before placing her empty glass on the glass table in front of her. As she talks, her head sways sideways due to the intoxication of alcohol. "You're the one who gets the privilege of private training sessions from Logan for the past six days!", she exclaims, her speech slightly slurred.

"What's so special about getting private training sessions from him?", Marcus scrunches his nose up. "It's not like they are doing something intimate in Collen's backyard. They are plain training sessions like the ones we had during high school." As the blonde finishes, I glance at the silver-haired male sitting next to Gwen. He doesn't meet my gaze and I'm grateful for it just as much as I'm grateful for the dim lighting in the club that shields my burning red cheeks hidden from view.

'Doing something intimate in my backyard'... I wouldn't call our interactions something that two lovers do with each other...but the way sometimes Logan touches definitely different from how he normally does.

The proximity, gentle massages, and his fingers caressing my arms and hands while his chest is pressed against my back, I never experienced those outside our training sessions.

I decide not to speak in and stay quiet. "Well—", George clears his throat, "—I would, for sure, be grateful to Jade if he were to start training me personally as well."

"See?? Brother gets it!", the chocolate-skinned female whines before literally wrapping herself around my partner, causing me to almost choke on my drink. I hold myself back from coughing violently. "When will you teach me, Logan..?", she pouts while tracing her index finger from his cheek to his lips.

Logan smiles and kisses her finger, "Gwen, you're more than capable of fighting. And if you still require training, then it would be better if you get those from Marcus. Training with partners will help the hunters get in sync on the field."

Although Logan kissing her finger unnerves me, I feel grateful that he didn't agree to invite Gwen to train with us. I know these private sessions with Logan won't last forever so I want to make the most of them.

The brown-haired female whines more before turning to her glass only to recall it's empty. "Ughh, we need another round of drinks!"

"You're already drunk, Gwen.", Marcus points out the obvious. "I don't want you puking in my car like last time."

"Then I'll grab a taxi! C'mon, guys, just one more round!"

"I need to drive Collen home so I'll have to refuse.", my partner simply states while finishing the remaining contents of his glass and placing it down on the table.

"I'm still waiting for Jade so I can drink one more.", The youngest one among us shrugs.

"You sure you can handle another?", the blonde glances at him.

"I'm not lightweight. I can handle my liquor.", George answers.

"Well then. What about you, Collen? Since you won't be driving, you can drink more as well, right?", Marcus turns to me instead.

I bite my lip as I think, considering my options. Logan isn't drinking because he's taking me home later, which makes sense, and allows me to have another round... But there's a part of me that feels guilty about being the irresponsible one so often. Perhaps, for a change, I could let him relax and drink instead. I could stay sober and drive us both home.

As if hearing my inner monologue, the silver-haired answers for me instead, nodding, "He can still drink if he wants to."

"Well, how about I drive tonight instead?", I suggest.

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