Chapter 46 (Part 1)

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Yes, another split small chapter. I'm sorry but I'm posting this so that I can have some progress than being stuck for too long. It's also an early update sooo, let's see if I can upload the second part in two days.


The frantic rhythm of my heart pounds in my ears as I burst into the room. The sight that greets me freezes me in my tracks, my eyes widening in horror. Three men, their faces contorted with determination, restrain a thrashing Logan down on his bed, their grips vice-like and unforgiving. One of them, a burly figure, has my beloved's head ensnared in a choke-hold, while the doctor administers a syringe into Logan's trembling arm.

Without a moment's hesitation, I rush forward. "What the hell are you doing to him?! Let him go!!", I demand, my words laced with a primal urgency that cuts through the commotion.

The men turn to face me, their expressions a mix of surprise and defiance. But it's Logan's reaction that draws my attention, his struggles halting as his leaden-blue eyes lock with my steel-gray ones. "Collen...", he breathes out my name, his voice a whisper of relief.

With a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins, I push past the men, their protests falling on deaf ears as I cradle my love's head in my hands, drawing him close to me in a desperate embrace.

The burly man scoffs and steps back, his voice dripping with disdain. "What are we doing??" he retorts, "It's him who decided to cause the whole ruckus, jabbing a needle right in the other doctor's neck!" I stare at him in disbelief before looking down at Logan's exhausted face, his breathing ragged against my chest. "We came in here to assist this doctor in sedating him before he could attack anyone else!"

A small frown creases my brow as I listen, a knot of unease forming in the pit of my stomach. "Are you hospital security?", I inquire, my voice tinged with concern.

The male shakes his head, "No, we're family members of other patients in the hospital."

Emitting a hum, I glance at the syringe in the doctor's hand, the glass tube still half-filled with the sedative. "I assure you, the sedation won't be necessary. He's still recovering from the injuries sustained during the hunt. I'll make sure that Logan doesn't hurt anyone.", I declare with a note of conviction.

The men exchange skeptical glances, their mistrust palpable in the air as they weigh my words against the reality of the situation. But then, as if sensing the shift in the atmosphere, they cast a collective gaze towards Logan, who has calmed in my embrace, his breathing steady and his eyes closed in peaceful repose. With a reluctant nod, they relent and step back. The doctor straightens his white coat with a brisk motion, "Well then, if you'll excuse me, I need to submit a report to the headquarters regarding this incident. Mr. Carlos has demanded one."

"Of course he did...", I mutter under my breath, my tone heavy with sarcasm. As the men file out of the room, their footsteps fading into the distance, I find solace in the knowledge that Logan is safe in my arms.

I gently brush his tousled silvery hair away from his forehead, my touch light and soothing as I softly call out his name. "Logan" Cupping his cheek, I make him face me as I ask, "Why did you attack the doctor?"

His eyes flicker open but seem to struggle to focus on me. "When I woke up—", he begins, his voice barely above a whisper, "—and didn't find you beside me, I panicked... I asked the doctor about your whereabouts, but he said...that you had gone to the headquarters. But...I couldn't believe it... I couldn't believe that you'd leave...on your your injured state. I thought they took you away from me..."

Logan's words strike a chord deep within me, a pang of guilt mingling with concern. I chew on my inner cheek, subconsciously punishing myself.

"I demanded for him to take me to you...but he refused... So I tried to leave.", he continues, his voice growing more desperate, "I needed to find you, no matter the cost. That's when he tried to restrain me...but I...I had to save you. I grabbed the injection from the tray...and...I—" His voice falters and I instantly press my lips to his sweat-covered forehead.

My heart clenches at the image of Logan, weakened and vulnerable upon barely regaining his consciousness, yet fighting for my sake. "I'm sorry, my love...", I whisper against his skin, my voice thick with emotion. "I should have never left you alone." The male remains still in my arms. Placing another kiss on his forehead, I softly urge, "You should lie down."

Logan nods in response, his movements sluggish and slow as I assist him in reclining back onto the bed. I watch him carefully, my heart heavy with worry as I take in his pale complexion and the exhaustion etched into the lines of his face. With a quick stride, I jog over to the door and secure the lock with a click, ensuring our privacy. Only then do I return to my beloved's side and settle into the chair beside his bed.

The male's eyes remain closed, his breathing steady and even as he drifts on the cusp of sleep. I take the opportunity to study him. He's wearing hospital clothing; the bandages are exposed crisscrossing by the rolled-up sleeve of his right arm. My eyes fixate on the tiny dot where the needle had pierced his skin, reminding me of how the doctor was able to inject half of the sedative.

Frowning, I inquire, "Are you feeling drowsy?" Logan nods once again, his eyelids twitching as he struggles to open them. "You should sleep then.", I tell him.

But to my surprise, he lets out a grunt in disapproval before voicing his fears. "I'm afraid you'll be gone again if I sleep...", he confesses.

My heart lurches at his admission and I reach out to firmly grasp his hand. "I won't leave you, Logan.", I assure him, my voice low yet filled with my resolve. "I'll be right here beside you, every step of the way."

The male intertwines his fingers with mine as he requests, "Sleep beside me."

I deliver a silent nod and carefully, I climb into the bed next to him. I try to maintain some distance, being mindful of his injuries, but Logan has other plans. With a shift, he leans into my frame, his head finding its resting place on my chest. I hold my breath as the warmth of his body seeps into mine, worried about disturbing his wounds. But as I feel his breathing slowing into a steady rhythm, my muscles gradually relax.

I tenderly wrap my arms around him, cradling him against me in a protective embrace. And as my own exhaustion catches up, I let myself drift into the darkness.

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