Chapter 5 Fatal Attack

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The journey back to the palace seemed longer than the journey to Gongoue'. Tafari seemed to distance herself from me though I was still her shadow. Traveling through the savannah was dangerous in the monsoon season on the coast was what Teshi warned us before we took our leave. There had been reports in the sister villages of wild dogs attacking travelers.

" My queen in order to keep you and lady Deola safe I suggest we ride in the night alongside the beach until we pass through the Quendo straits." Nyack said to her on a night we camped fifty feet from the beach. We heard the laughing of the wild dogs in the distance.

"If that is what you feel we should do, let us do it in haste," Tafari said. Nyack barked orders at the other men as they quickly packed up our camp. Even the horses sensed the hyenas getting closer towards us as we mounted them. Three of the men held torches lit from our camp fire as we quickly rode closer to the beach of the coast. As Kairu ran I could feel his fear as snarls from the dogs were right behind us. The men surrounded us as I looked back seeing a pack of at least eight dogs running behind us. All the royal riders drew their swords in sync as two of the animals centered in on the sides of us. I heard loud yelps as blood slung onto my face startling me as I pulled hard on Kairu's reigns as he slowed down and suddenly I found myself surrounded by the entire pack. Kairu whinnied loudly as the hyenas snarled and growled. I held on tight as he rose up on his hind legs as I held on tight.

"Deola!" I heard Tafari scream from up ahead. One of the dogs jumped up scratching my legs with his claws. I couldn't think, as fear took over me.

"Run Kairu," I said as I used my legs to usher him over one of the dogs as Kairu accelerated. The pack barking and snapping at his legs. Suddenly I saw one of the hyenas get hit by a large arrow, and then another as the pack began to slow. Kairu continuing to run until we caught back up with the others who had stopped. Kairu slowed down next to Nabila where I saw Tafari's face full of fear. One of the riders held a bow in his hand shooting more arrows in the direction of the dogs as we all heard the howls of pain come. As fear choked me, unconsciousness came and I saw myself falling.

I awoke later that evening within a dark room, trying to rise up, but unable to. Tafari walked into the room sitting next to me with a bowl of a hot substance. She placed in down on a table helping me sit up as her eyes gazed at me. Using a spoon she fed me the broth as she blew on it and I felt her relief and fear. After she fed me, she lifted me by my waist being careful of the bandage on my right leg. Though she did not speak as she held me in her lap I could feel her relax as her hand traced up my arm gently.

"What would I have done if I lost you?" she asked rhetorically.

"We will be home tomorrow," she whispered as she kissed my forehead. I ushered her to lie down in bed as she laid on her side to accompany me. I laid there until she was deep in sleep as I forced myself up as I limped out the corridor of our room. I felt the floor move, realizing we were on a boat. The boat tossing gently in the straits as I stood on deck as the sun rose.

"My lady you should be resting," Nyack said startling me.

"You should announce when you are coming," I yelled in frustration my whole body shaking as I held onto the side of the boat.

"My apologies," he said rubbing the back of his neck as he released a sigh.

"I am so relieved you were not harmed too badly during our journey," he said staring at my bandage. He moved closer to me there being a small space between us. I looked at him his scent inviting, his body giving off a heat that steamed as he spoke.

"If I may be honest my lady, I have grown fond of you in this past week," he said blushing a crimson color in his cheeks. I smiled at him unable to articulate what to say to him.

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