Chapter 10 For Her

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Her soft and firm hand gripped mine hard as she pulled me through the main court yard of the palace. The ground seemed uneven as she pulled me along. The night sky seemed only dim as I saw the silhouette of the queen as we walked through a hallway towards a part of the palace I had never seen before.

"Tafari," I whispered before she shushed me her eyes staring at me with a curiosity and a warning that she rarely came to this side of the palace. The shuffle of our feet came to the threshold of a door that Tafari knocked on. She pulled me behind her to hide me as a male with a husky voice talked loudly as he opened the door the sound of shock and embarrassment sounding as Tafari chuckled softly.

"Is Nyack here?" she asked her tone as feminine as could be.

"Yes your majesty," the male voice answered. "Nya! The queen is here for you. Man get dressed and hurry up man." I chuckled at how Nyack responded in franticness as he almost screamed and walked out his clothing hanging off of him and hair wild as he stared at the queen holding up his pants.

Tafari laughed as the door closed and Nyack tried to fix his hair.

"My queen," he answered bowing his hand to his heart.

"Nyack my boy I know you are dedicated to your kingdom, please rise." Nyack rose as he saw me peeking from behind the queen; his face was unreadable. Tafari looked at me as I went back into my hiding place.

"Walk with me you two," she whispered as she led Nyack and me following matching each other's gait. We walked on opposite sides of Tafari and as I occasionally glances at his bare skin shining in the reflection of the flames that burned within each hallway of the palace.

"Nyack, you are fond of my Deola, aren't you?" Tafari question a hint of humor in her tone.

I saw as he gulped before answering.

"My queen, you know many things seeing as you see into the future. I have been fond of lady Deola since our trip in the memory of the living goddess Chinue." His voiced seemed to fill the hallway as I heard his pride in saying how he felt to Tafari.

Tafari nodded as if knowing his answer before he said it. "Nyack, would you want to baiser (fuck) Deola?" I froze in my footsteps at the question as did Nyack,

"Je suis désolé (excuse me)?" Nyack said shocked by the question. Another chuckle escaped Tafari's lips as she turned towards us both.

"I did not stutter young man. Would you like to baiser Deola?" She asked her eyes intent on Nyack's face completely ignoring me.

"Well my queen, I am a man and she is beautiful, so my answer would have to be yes." He said not looking my way but at Tafari's feet.

"Good, good. That is all I needed to hear," she said as she winked at me and I was full of dread. I knew her to have a great deal of sexualité, but I had never heard of this.

"Tonight you both will baiser, and I will observe," Tafari said as she turned away walking again as we both continued to follow. Within my body I was angered that Tafari would ask this of me. I did not want anyone else but her, and still she wanted to see me get fucked by this man who already had feelings for me.

We made it to the same empty room with the large bed in it, which smelled of ginger root and stale air.

"Nyack wait out here for a moment," she whispered as she grabbed my hand and pulled me inside the room.

"Tafari," I whispered loudly as she grabbed me by my waist a smile on her face her finger landing on my lips as she spoke.

"Deola, I want to see how faithful you are to me, and to prove that I want to see if you would do anything for me." My face must have shown my irritation with the request. "I will make it up to you my goutte de chocolat (chocolate drop)." My body shook with anger as she released me and welcomed Nyack into the room. His face showed fear almost as Tafari whispered for me to get undressed in my ear.

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