Chapter 16 The News

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As soon as we were ready, I followed Tafari to the festival hall in which I had held a knife to the queen of Mali's throat in attempts to protect Tafari from her seductive wiles. As I followed behind her, she still had the grace I had marveled at for what seemed to be forever. Two male servants held the doors open as Tafari entered and I followed. Lehana kneeled before the throne as Tafari overlooked her and sat on it.

"Rise Lehana wife of Advisor Chiazam, and state your business," Tafari spoke as Lehana rose, the smuck grin from the night before having now disappeared from sight.

"My queen at the southwest border of our great country approaches a large foreign ship. The people of my village have been observing it from a distance, but it will be within our shallow waters no later than the day after tomorrow. My husband who right now recovers from an injury sent me in his stead to warn my queen and king of this approaching danger," she finished as Tafari showed no sign of fear.

" Well that seems to be an urgent matter Lehana, Tell Chiazam, to alert all the advisors of the king so that we may discuss what is to become of these new comers," Tafari said standing as if in a rush to leave the room.

"Yes my queen," Lehana said as she smote her chest with her forehand and bowed. Tafari began to walk quickly towards the doors as Lehana spoke again.

"Tafariah, forgive me for the pain I have caused you." The words seemed to still the room as Tafari froze. She began to walk back towards Lehana, her hand entangling within her locks as she gripped her hair pulling her head back so she could look in her eyes.

"Forgive you? Forgive you, the only woman I'd ever allow to break my heart in such a mediocre way. Forgiving you does nothing for me Lehana, nothing at all. But it is you who should forgive me, for wasting the love I possess on you who did not deserve it from me. There is one thing I can do for you now though my dear, and that is forget that the love I had ever existed. Now how is that?" Tafari finished still gripping her hair, with trembling hands.

"My queen, it is alright," I said grabbing her free hand as she looked at me smiling as she released Lehana, whose eyes held back the tears. Tafari walked out the doors as I followed as the rains began to come down once more as we headed back to her courters. She shook, though she hid it well. And though she said her words with confidence within she doubted whether she would ever be able to do it.

"Deola, you were right," Tafari whispered as she sat on the edge of her bed staring off into the empty space.

"About what Tafari?" I asked sitting beside her. As she looked at me grabbing my hand making sure my fingers were entangled with hers.

"That holding in my feelings only hurts me. Being a queen it is hard to even find someone to listen and not fear telling me the truth no matter my patriarchal office," she said as she ran her finger tips up and down my arm.

"My queen what of these visitors she speaks of?" I asked the mystery of them both terrifying and intriguing.

"I knew they would be coming soon," Tafari spoke as she looked at me smiling softly. "There is nothing to fear Deola, so do not worry, okay.

"Who says that I'm worried," I spoke up loudly She looked at me in the most frightening way. It was then that I first saw fear in her eyes as she looked away her hand still entangled with mine. It was then that I was curious of who these visitors were and from where they had come.

We stayed within Tafari's courters for a while, but Tafari grew restless and we roamed around the now puddle filled corridor of the palace. We walked in silence and instead of following her I walked beside her as she stayed quiet. I looked at the ground as watching so I would not step in any of the puddles. Yet still Tafari walked with such grace through the red colored mud.

"Tafari what troubles you?" I asked unsure of what she thought of.

"Hmm, I knew you were observant, but you are worse than Yohance," she said a smile forming on her mouth as she looked at me.

"Deola, I am okay, I just dwell on the thoughts of my visions as of late. They have been very consistent, and that is not normal even for me. But I wish that you would promise me that when our visitors come, be on your best behavior, because I do not know what is to come," she said sounding wise beyond her years as I nodded as we continued to the stables where the horses slept soundly the only sound their tails whipping at the horse flies that nipped at them. We continued on through the king and queen's courtyard heading through the hanging gardens. The butterflies seemed to only flutter for Tafari as her slightly damp attire still flowed in the heavy wind.

Then we headed into a part of the palace I had never been to. It was dark and cooler than the other part of the palace.

"Deola, this is the King's wing, so please stay here while I go and talk to Haben," she said as I obeyed staying outside the door. I stayed out there for what seemed like forever as I hid to keep out the way of the now harsh winds that continued to blow. After about four hours of waiting I myself grew restless about to head back to the queen's quarters when Tafari walked out. Her face was so grim that I did not ask of what was discussed.

"That fool!" she shouted out of the blue as we walked back towards her wing of the palace. I jumped from her voice as she looked at me her fist clenched tightly as she grabbed my hand dragging me along behind her.

" Deola I pray to Komba that you do not marry a fool as I have, and that her cherishes you as I do," she said almost in a daze as I tried to understand what she meant. As we made it back grabbing towels as we wiped our feet of the red mud.

"Tafari do you not want me?" I asked confusion filling my expression. She looked at me as she smiled that smile I grew to love.

"Only someone who has not learned how much I love her would ask such a foolish question Deola. From the beginning of time I have wanted someone like you. Full of love for me and only me, wise beyond her years while protective, and loving all in one magnificent being," she said staring me in my eyes

I got lost in those galaxies of hers, those words branding my heart as I kissed her as deeply as those words touched my soul. I could not get enough of her, no matter how I thought I could. She was a world in and of itself that I had yet to fully explore. My lovely Tafari.

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