Chapter 17 Strangers

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In the following weeks Tafari prepared the palace even in the monsoon season. She was strict with all the servants including Yohance and myself. The servants began to speak in whispers about the cause of her showed frustration but no one knew but I. Tafari had nightmares every night consecutively and I every night tried to comfort her, but even I could not stop the dreams from transpiring. It got so bad that when she resisted sleep those nightmares became visons that frightened me. To see all the horror on her face as she stared blankly into space frightened me worse than her anger and wrath all wrapped into one. After three consecutive weeks of having nightmares it was strange for me when Tafari actually slept soundly. It was after the monsoon season came to an end that Tafari actually slept. Seeing her at peace within her dreams also helped me sleep.

"Deola wake up," Tafari said sweetly as I opened my eyes to see her laying on her side looking at me with a smile on her face.

"Did I fall asleep?" I asked unaware of how long I had been out. She nodded pulling me closer to her as I softly moaned cuddling with her as her fingers intertwined in my hair.

"Thank you for always being by my side sweet Deola," she whispered as she kissed me full of love as a knock came at her doors. I got out of her bed kneeling on the large pillow near the foot of her bed.

"Come in Yohance," she said her voice floating on the air as Yohance entered.

"My queen we must prepare you for the arrival of the visitors," Yohance said her face showing uneasiness. Tafari stood out of her bed walking till she was directly in front of Yohance as she laid her hand on her forehead.

"You are getting sick mon ami," she whispered.

"Tafari I will be okay." Yohance responded as she almost collapsed as I quickly jumped up grabbing the other side of her as Tafari held the other.

"I am fine," she tried to plea as Tafari silenced her stubborn cries.

"Deola grab my bell," Tafari said quickly as she rang a certain tune. Two male servants bowed themselves outside of the threshold of the door as Tafari spoke quickly in French as they left coming back with a lame bed. The male servants held the bed as Tafari with no trouble picked up Yohance laying her on it.

"Take her to Lady Rasida immediately," Tafari said with urgency in her voice. Her face showed so much guilt as she gazed off into the distance.

"My queen she will be alright," I spoke with assurance as she looked at me her face smiling but her countenance still weary.

"We must prepare ourselves for the arrival of these visitors," she said her voice changing as it filled with anger and irritation. She clapped her hands as the regular changers of apparel came in changing her into an indigo blue outfit that made her crown glisten brightly. Her face was unchanging and I could tell she was in deep thought, as my clothes were quickly made.

"Deola, come now," Tafari said harshly as I followed behind her. Though she walked with a quick pace, she was still as graceful as ever. We walked through the partially dry courtyards as we headed to the King and Queens main courtyard where a large group of men dressed in the many colors of the provinces stood. They all bowed as Tafari walked through them as if the very ground she treaded was divine. I followed her my head down in respect for the presence of all the grand men of our country. Upon the throne King Haben sat as his eyes followed Tafari, just as every other man within the courtyard. He was proud to have such elegance by his side, thought it was obvious he was a fool. Tafari sat upon her throne as I stood behind to the side while every male rose smiting their chest with their forearm.

"Hail our King and Queen," everyone said in unison as King Haben raised his hands standing as Tafari looked throughout the crowd of men.

"My dear advisors as my queen has advised me of these visitors, I have decided that we should greet these visitors as friends until proven enemies," he spoke as many of the men murmured doubts.

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