Chapter 7 My Anger

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“Deola…” I heard someone say as I opened my eyes to find Yohance shaking me awake.
“Deola! Why are you sleeping behind this flower bed?” she asked as I realized where I was. I stood quickly startled at the fact it was already morning.

“Well she has been looking for you, dear girl, and she is not happy. She expected you to be where she left you,” Yohance said as her eyes had some kind of fear.
“Humph, am I to be only her belonging, or am I something within her eyes,” I said, not realizing I was screaming till Yohance covered my mouth.
“She is coming now. I pray she gives mercy today” Yohance said as her eyes told me to hold my tongue, as Tafari walked through the gardens seeing me as her face stayed composed.
“Follow me Deola,” I obeyed following behind her till we were in an empty room shutting the door. Her hand gripped my neck as I without knowing countered a grip hitting her in her nose as blood hit the pavement.
Tafari gasped, as she touched her nose her dark crimson blood staining her finger tips as she laughed.
“I wouldn’t find you to be such a tough little girl,” she said grabbing a cloth that laid in the room dabbing at the wound.
“Ce qui la baise! You foutre cette salope!!(What the fuck! You fucked that bitch!) ” I shouted as she just looked at me, holding the cloth to her nose. Those eyes of hers on me the entire time.
“ I did not want to fall in love with you Tafariah….but now that I have understand that , tu m'appartiens(you belong to me),” I said as tears fell from my eyes no sobs escaping my lips.
She did that half smile I loved as she stepped closer to me as she removed the cloth from her nose which ceased to bleed.
“Oh Mon pauvre bébé (oh my poor baby),” she whispered like an angel, as she grabbed me by my waist pulling me against her as she whispered sweet nothings in my ear.
“Je suis désolé (I am sorry). I did not sleep with her Deola,” she whispered as my arms wrapped around her neck unable to stay mad too long for she was a wonder in my eyes.
“I am sorry for striking you,” I said looking at her nose. She chuckled softly.
“Is it swollen?” she asked as I stood back seeing that it was slightly. I nodded looking down in shame.
“It is okay Deola, I have had worse. Whether you believe it or not, Yohance has done worse before and while I was queen,” she said as she placed the bloody cloth down grabbing my chin so seductively as she kissed my lips.
“ I must say I’ve never seen anything as attractive as a woman who cares so much it drives her to anger,” she said her eyes never leaving mine.
“Tell me you love me Deola,” she whispered her breath brushing against my cheeks.
“Tafari, I love you,” I said as my voice went soft as her thumb rubbed over my lips gently.
“You better stay in my shadow today, am I understood,” she said with that commanding tone that made me want to comply. I nodded in agreeance. As we left the small room, and Tafari took me to bathe and change as she stood and watched Yohance prepare me.
“Come Deola, let us join the other queens and handmaidens.” She said as I followed her back to the white concreate room decorated in the fine linens of the king and queen. As we both entered the entire room chattered as the women feasted on the morning meal.
I stayed by Tafari’s side as I saw the flamboyant sexualité from Amadi and her hand maidens. My eyes stayed locked on her as she interacted with my queen. Tafari kept a straight face the entire time, while Genet would slightly stare at Tafari and then play in her hair as she nibbled on food like a mouse.
Suddenly Tafari clapped as the room became silent. “ My guest please enjoy your meal, I and Queen Amadi, and Queen Genet will go to the royal print room to write and sign the new treaty,” she said as she stood the other queens following as I followed behind Queen Genet, who I slowly but surely grew fond of as I observed her. We walked towards the part of the palace where Ms. Rasida’s infirmary was, to a large hall that could sit just about everyone in the palace including the servants within it.
“Why does your simple handmaiden stay so close Tafari,” Amadi said as she looked back at me. I bit my tongue as not to cuss in French. I could hear the smile in Tafari’s voice as she answered in a riddle.
“Because she is much more than what can be seen by the naked eye,” she said her eyes meeting with mine as I looked at my feet with a smile. I felt Amadi’s eyes on me as Tafari handed me handmade paper with a quill and ink.
“Deola, write all that we say,” she said patting my head in adornment.
“Today on beginning of the fourth week of the harvest season, the countries of Gabon, Mali, and the Congo unite as active partners of trade of goods for the better good of the our people.” Tafari projected and though I wanted to listen to and drown in her angel like voice I wrote everything she said.
“Mali will trade gold, marble, and limestone with the Congo and Gabon, ”Amadi said.
“Gabon will trade timber and horses bred with the purest breeds’ blood,” Tafari said.
“The Congo will trade diamonds, cobalt, and copper,” Genet said as I continued to write.
“May this treaty hereby stand forever this day,” they said in unison, as each pricked their finger with my quill till their thumbs were bloody and imprinted the paper with their finger print and signed their name underneath.
“I wish these ceremonies didn’t require self-penetration,” Genet said as all of them laughed loudly, only I not understanding the joke.
“We should celebrate all night long since this is your last night here,” Tafari said.
“That sounds wonderful, I’m sure that our husbands have been doing the same,” Amadi said chuckling.
“Come Deola, let us escort the queens back to the dining area, and then let us find Yohance.” Tafari said as I grabbed the treaty and followed behind them. It was now only mid-day as the sun shone high in the sky as we headed through the courtyards the perfumed oils so strong it made you light headed from the scent.
After dropping the queens back in the room, we took the treaty to the house of records. A room full of scrolls that had to be millennia’s old. I held the scroll as Tafari held out her hand as I gave it to her.
“Thank you,” she said as she rang a bell a short man appearing as he bowed not saying a word. She gave it to him speaking in French very quickly as he nodded placing the scroll in a clay vault.  Tafari began walking out of the door I followed walking just as fast as to not get left behind in her long stride.
We headed towards the grand hall where all the women were. Before we could enter, Dumi’s nanny ran after Dumian who saw Tafari and released a wail that made any head turn.
“Mommy!” he wailed as he ran with his bold legged self and crashed into her leg gripping on for life.
“Dumian, where did you come from?” she asked as the nanny ran trying to pull him off.
“It is okay Visola,” she said as the nanny backed up and she picked Dumian up in her arms. His head seemed to find the crook of her neck like metal to a magnet.
“Visola, I will have Deola bring him to you when he has fallen asleep.” Tafari said smiling as she entered with the chocolate boy on her hip.
“My guest, the future king of my great country,” she said as all the women gasped at Dumi’s presence. I looked at him and as he laid on Tafari, I saw a glimpse of his older self, standing beside her. He would be strong and handsome, his demeanor that of his mothers and his might that of King Haben’s.
“Dear Tafari, if it pleases you may I sing a lullaby for the little prince,” Queen Genet said as she smiled her eyes on Dumi. Tafari nodded as Dumi’s eyes met Genet’s and the room became quiet.
“I hear that she has the most beautiful voice in all of Africa,” whispered a few of the hand maidens. I watched as her voice filled the room, it sounded like bird feathers under the wind. No one in the room moved as she captivated the room with her magnificent voice. The lullaby told a story of small boy who grew tall and strong.
Her hand maidens joined in as she sang the last few notes and the tune was hypnotic causing Dumian to fall asleep quickly. Genet kissed his cheeks, as she smiled at Tafari. Tafari’s eyes marveled at her as she sat down beside her.
“My sweet Deola, can you take him to Visola,” she said as I carefully lifted his solid frame in my arms as I walked out the room. I walked down the hallway towards the nanny’s courters. She met me outside smiling as she grabbed Dumi with no trouble.
“Good night Deola,” she said dipping in a bow as she disappeared from my sight. I smiled walking towards back towards the grand hall, seeing Nyack walking towards me. I tensed up knowing that the night before was still in his thoughts. He did not speak to me as I passed by and I was relieved as I quickly came back into room to find Amadi dancing once again. Tafari’s eyes engulfed in how she moved her hips and thighs. I rolled my eyes as I made my way back in Tafari’s shadow. My eyes stayed on Amadi as she kept the attention of all in the room, as I saw as she danced directly in front of Tafari, her cul (ass) in her face. Tafari drooled in excitement as Amadi proceeded to dance getting in her lap the whole room no longer paying attention as hand maidens turned on each other their affection prevalent.
I fought within myself to not react, but my flesh won the battle as I grabbed a knife from the table beside me wrapping her curly locks around my hand pulling her off of Tafari as I held the blade to her neck. The entire room gasped as women surrounded me.
“Listen to me carefully Queen Amadi, understand who you try to entice so easily,” I growled loudly for everyone to hear. “Touch my queen again and I will be beheaded for attacking the queen of Mali,” I spat out my blade laying against the skin of her neck.
“Deola!” Tafari yelled standing from her seat her hands raised as she tried to calm my anger. I couldn’t hear her, my pulse in my ears.
“Deola, sweetheart,” she whispered her hand on top of mine with the blade, gripping it firmly. “Give me the blade Deola,” she whispered as I released it.
“Please release Queen Amadi, Deola,” she said as I unwrapped her hair from around my hand. Amadi rubbed her neck where the blade had been.
“My apologies Amadi,” Tafari whispered gripping my shoulders so hard as I shuddered afraid as I came to myself. “Please everyone settle down, I will take her away, please enjoy the festivities,” she said nervously. We walked out of the room as her hand gripped the back of my neck so hard I cried in pain.
“You stupid girl, how dare you attack my guest, in childish infatuation!” she raised her voice. “You must learn to control your rage! Many women will try to entice me with their looks, their bodies, their intelligence, and beauty. That does not mean I want them that way,” she said in frustration as she marched me to a room I had not seen.
“You leave me no choice Deola, I must punish you for this deed,” she said in pain as we entered into a strange dungeon. I saw objects of torture I had not seen before as stripped me of my clothes tying me up by my arms and ankles so my feet were off the ground. My backside faced Tafari as she sighed loudly as I heard her grab something striking me hard as my skin burned from the leather that left welts on my back.
She struck me twelve times as I screamed each blow harder than the one before. She began to weep.
“Don’t make me to be a cruel queen Deola.” She said through cries as she sniffled.
“I will be back after I have situated my guest. Stay here and think about what you have done,” she said her voice shaking with each command as she left me in the dark room. The heat causing the welts to burn in the dusty air. Had I done wrong to stand up against her touching what belong to me? Or was I acting like a child as she said.
Who needed this heartache for actually caring for her? I did not look at her like a piece of meat the way all the women that had come saw. She was a queen worthy of the respect she demanded, yet I got punished for standing up against a queen who had no respect. I cried the entire time softly. My sobs causing my belly to cramp. I heard the door open as I smelled Tafari’s scent.
She did not speak as she undid the knots of the rope that held me up. She turned me around wrapping me up in a large towel as she carried me in her arms not letting my feet touch the ground. We headed towards the cleaning pool as she placed me within the water gently washing my back with a soft sponge as I stared into the water.  She then helped me out the pool.
“Deola, my sweet Deola, forgive me for what I am about to ask you,” she said as she dried me down.
“Queen Amadi is extremely upset with your actions that she threatens to cancel the treaty with Mali unless one particular thing is done.” She said hesitating.
“And what is that Tafari?” I asked annoyed as to the fact the woman asked for a request in spite.
“She wants me donner de la te’te (to give head),” she whispered looking down in shame.
“You are queen, do what you must do,” I said.
“Deola that’s not all. She wants you to watch as it happens,” Tafari said fear in her eyes as well as her heart showing she was embarrassed to ask me to comply. I froze in my place as I realized that I was the cause of my own demise. Yohance words coming back to me.
“Love her from the distance Deola,” she said. I released a long sigh.
“For you my queen I will endure the torture,” I whispered as I looked at her, and lost all will to tell her no….

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