Chapter 14 The Prince

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After returning from my father passing into the next realm life within the palace seemed slow. The monsoon season grew worse as each day brought rain both night and day. Tafari spent most of her days within the records hall. I grew restless with staying inside the dusty dark room.

"Deola, if staying inside this room bores you so, why don't you go with Dumian. I'm sure he would enjoy your company," she said looking at me with a smirk as she chuckled.

"What is it that you are researching anyways my queen," I said as I heard the scroll keeper's feet shuffle on the floor's grainy layer.

"I am being an oracle," she said as her face grew serious. The statement brought about a silence I did not understand. Her eyes darted to and fro on the old scroll that dealt with the alignment of stars as I shadowed her in silence.

"My queen I think I will go visit Dumian," I said as I stood. She grasped my wrist pulling me in her lap so that I was looking up at her. Her crown was glistening even in the candle light as she kissed me deeply.

"Have fun my sweet Deola," she said her eyes speaking more than her words. The pitter patter of the rain outside was loud as the rain poured down. I quickly ran through the second courtyard. My feet landed in clay like puddles that splashed with each step. My anklet jingling with each movement the humidity made it hard to breathe as I ran till I made it to Dumian's courters. I rushed inside the door panting as I realized how drenched I actually was. Sighing in agitation I grabbed one of the towels that laid near the door. I wiped my feet as I patted myself as dry as I could get.

"Prewty! You came to see Dumi?" he questioned his footing better than before as he hugged my legs tightly. His smiled filled the room as I lifted him struggling as I found he had gained weight.

"Hello little prince," I said kissing his cheeks as he giggled with joy that made my heart smile.

"So what are you doing today Dumian?" I asked intrigued by the room in which he spent most of his time. I saw his nanny as she bowed and smiled as she cleaned up slightly.

"I am learning our history as the next oracle of the country of Gabon," he pronounced so fluently that it scared me to know a child was so intelligent.

"Tell me about something you learned recently Dumian," I said as he looked up thinking.

"Can we go in there Prewty?" Dumian asked as he pointed at the inner room of his quarters. I nodded as I walked into the well decorated room. He had a small bed within the corner. The ground was covered in rugs made of a soft wool like material but the walls of the room are what stood out the most. As I held him, I looked around at all the paintings on the walls I could see.

"These are all done by Prince Dumian," Visola his nanny said as she smiled to herself still cleaning up papers that were lying around. I continued to look around unable to believe the talent he had to put such talent on his walls.

"You did all of this Dumian?" I asked as he smiled Tafari's smile nodding as he tried to get out my arms. He reached up grabbing my hand pulling me towards one of the four walls. I looked down, seeing what had to be a picture of Tafari. He portrayed her perfectly with each stroke of the brushes he used. Besides her was another young lady, that held a small boy, and behind them the sun shone brightly.

"Dumian, who is this?" I asked pointing at the lady. He smiled at me as he pointed at me.

"That is Prewty holding me," he said.

"Where is your father?" I asked unable to find him on the wall. Dumian seemed to ignore the question as he sat at the table in his room.

"I don't see Papa in my dreams," Dumian said as he drank a small cup of water in front of him.

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