Chapter 22 Our New Hope

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When I arrive in Gongoue' I was not surprised to find it with a few inhabitants. I rode to the Oracle Chinue's house. The grand statue still standing as I tied Kairu to a post. Dumian slept within the woven basket asleep. I patted Kairu's neck as I told him to rest. I walked into the fully furnished house. She told me to wait for her, but for how long? I thought as I held onto Dumian. Was Tafari and everyone else alright? Only Komba knows.

For three weeks I tried to keep myself busy around Chinue's home. No word from Tafari came and it made me so uneasy to not be by her side. Dumian though he seemed to be himself in the day had so many nightmares at night. And to hear his screams in the middle of each night made it hard to sleep. After almost a whole month word by falcon finally came and it made my heart freeze.

'Dear Deola you should know that Queen Tafari, the great oracle has passed into Jengi's realm,' the gram said as I picked up Dumian putting him inside the strapped basket. I walked to Chinue's statue and knelt in front of it. I felt the flood coming from my eyes as Dumian laid covered in the basket.

"No!" I screamed over and over there until I had no voice. As I stared at the statue no more voice to scream, her face continued to flash in front of my eyes. Her voice behind me as I heard her tell me it was okay.

"No it's not Tafariah because you're not here. Why didn't you come with me?" I whispered. There was no answer as Dumian rustled in the basket as I heard footsteps approach me. I quickly turned pulling out the hidden blade. I then saw an older village woman who raised her hand as I lowered my blade.

"Come, come Tafari told us this day would come," she said as I looked at her unable to stop my hoarse wailing as she embraced me like a mother would.

"Come, come," she whispered as she grabbed my hand pulling me along as I followed her to a large barn behind the oracle Chinue's home. Two young boys opened the doors and there within was a statue made of marble and bronze.

"Tafariah," I said looking at the woman as she nodded. I walked around the statue amazed that she had it made while she still walked the red earth. The detail of the statue exact and mesmerizing. Her burden had been so grand she held back the revealing of her own death. I felt my legs give way as I blacked out. I awoke inside of Chinue's house as I rose frantic.

"Dumian!" I screamed.

"Calm yourself child. The boy is right there," the older woman said pointing at Dumian who played with two small figures as he spoke in his sweet angelic voice. The woman dabbed my forehead with a cold towel.

"What is your name?" I asked.

"Tarisai, Deola," she said as I raised up quickly as she pushed me back down.

"You're still stubborn," she said smiling that familiar smile I had come to love.

"Tafari?" I said my voice breaking off.

"In another form sweet Deola," she said as she touched my cheek.

"Does Dumian know? " I asked as she shook her head no.

"How?" I asked.

"It is my last request of Jengi," she said as she smiled Tafari's smile with another face.

"I wanted to keep my promise one last time. My sweet Deola, please raise him as your own. For there is no other person I would want him to be with, but my heart," she said.

"Why didn't you just come with us?" I asked as my eyes welled up.

"I had to ensure that Dumian survived in order to fulfill what was going to be Deola," she said her tone serious.

"Just understand that if there had been another way for us all to live, I would have pursued it." She said wiping the tears from my eyes.

"One last promise I'll make to you Deola. You will never be alone, for I will always be with you in more ways than one my les homme (my person)," she said kissing my forehead.

"I love you," she whispered as I watched her new temporary form disappeared in the form of butterflies.

"I love you more my queen," I whispered as Dumian came grabbing my face between his small hands.

"Prewty is Tarisai coming back?" he asked.

"No little prince, she isn't but she is always going to be in here," I said pointing to his heart. He put his hand on his heart patting it as I sat up pulling him in my arms.

"Prewty loves you Dumian," I said as I hugged him tight.

"Dumi knows," he said with Tafari's smile on his face.

For the next two weeks it was a ritual to go and look at the statue of Tafari at the time the sun is highest in the sky. It was another day at high sun as I knelt before Tafari's statue.

Suddenly I saw a horse riding towards me. In fear I grabbed Dumian up in my arms running towards Lady Chinue's home as I clung to the chocolate boy in my arms my whole body shaking in fear.

"Deola!" I heard a familiar voice say as I hesitated in disbelief.

"Deola! It is I, Nyack, no need to be afraid," his familiar voice said as I walked into sight. He was wounded and his face relieved as his eyes welled up with tears.

"I thought, they had slaughtered everyone," he whispered in the house as if the walls weren't listening. He stepped forward, as I moved to the side still afraid that he was a dream. He was loyal and sweet, and had been fond of me from the first time we met.

"I mean you no harm sweet Deola," he said kneeling and holding up his uninjured hand. Without trying to I rushed towards him hugging him tight as I released a flood of tears and it seemed his arms made me feel safe. Dumian stirred whining as I broke from Nyack's arms in attempts to comfort him.

"My king," Nyack said bowing as he slammed his injured arm against his chest, as his eyes laid on the boy. I smiled as Dumian's eyes, which he inherited from Tafari looked at Nyack while they sparkled and all that I saw within his angelic face made the sadness suffice for that small moment. She would always be with me, for her memory lived in my soul. But this boy, this little child would be a monument greater than a statue can be built, to her memory and her life. Tafari, queen of Gabon would live on through him. From that moment on, I would raise her son as my own in the pride and respect all of the country had for his parents. So that one day, he could take back the kingdom that was lost.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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