Chapter 22

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Ahab was worried. If there was one thing he loved more than anything, it was his magnificent, white, battle trained, horses. He vowed that his destriers, specially bred for charging into battle would not suffer, no matter how severe the drought.

Two wagons were commissioned by Ahab. One would transport barrels of water and the other fodder, from outlying districts where streams were still running, solely for use by his war horses. This worked for the first year of the drought, but by the second year, the king had no choice but to send his destriers with his cavalry to kingdoms not affected by the drought.

It was also during the first year of the drought that the Queen gave birth to a baby boy. She was convinced that it was her prayers to Asherah, her god of fertility, who answered her prayers and blessed her with a son. The queen wanted to name her son Abibaal (my father is Baal). When Ahab heard about this, he stormed into the queen's chambers and demanded an explanation.

"What is this absurdness I hear that you have chosen a Phoenician name for our son and to anger me more, it means 'Baal is my father'!
I am the father! What will future Israelite generations think when their king carries, not only the name from another culture, but claims to be sired by a god! "

Jezebel glared at Ahab. Normally she reacted to his outbursts with calmness and silence and even disdain, but today he had hit a nerve that provoked her fighting spirit.

"You chose our daughter's name. You didn't even consult me or ask my opinion. This time I will choose the name. I am the one who carried the child for nine months. I am the one who couldn't eat or sleep because of the discomfort your son caused me. I am the one who suffered the pains of childbirth. I will name my son. "

Ahab looked at the Queen for a few seconds, then burst out laughing. Clapping his hands, he walked past the queen and stood looking out over the gardens.

"Quite a performance, my Queen"

When the king spun round, he wasn't smiling anymore.

"Every day scores of women in Samaria bring children into this world. They do not line up demanding favours. They do not march in the streets claiming rights. Why? Because they are content. They stay home to feed and nurture their gift from God.
So my dear wife, be satisfied you gave birth to Ahaziah, your son. Don't look so surprised. I have named him. He carries a good Hebrew name. A name he will be proud of."

The king walked towards the bedroom door. He stopped and turned to Jezebel.

"It has been entered into the palace records and I have endorsed it with my seal. You cannot change it, so don't even try. My son's name is Ahaziah."

The king spun round and left.

The Queen sat on her bed. Slowly a sinister smile crept over her countenance. She muttered to herself.

"You have forced me to accept a name of your choosing for my son, but I shall make sure he is instructed and brought up as a son of Baal!"


It was the third year of the drought. The Queen was again with child. The conditions in Samaria were hot and dry. Far too severe for a pregnant woman, so the queen and her entourage moved to their summer palace in the Jezreel valley. Conditions there were not much better weather wise but at least there was still water in the deep wells and the evening and morning km were cooler. Jezebel enjoyed the peace and quiet of the Jezreel palace.

Ahab and the court in Samaria spent most of their time scrambling around trying to save a nation that was dying of thirst and starvation.

The King summoned the master of the palace. Obadiah entered the throne room. The King looked tired and haggard.

"Come in, come in. Oh! Woe is me. What worth is a king who cannot care for his people?"

Obadiah genuinely felt sorry for the king and was on the verge of saying it was the Queen's fault, but quickly thought better of that idea.

"You summoned me, my King, you must have something on your mind you wish to share?"

"I care for my people, but I care for the animals even more. People can make plans to survive but the horses and mules rely on us to provide food and water. Without us they will die. Many have already succumbed to thirst and starvation. We must search the land for any little stream or fountain that might still be flowing. For any patch of grass that might still be growing.

Will you help me Obadiah, help me find any form of relief for my animals? I cannot sit and do nothing. "

Obadiah was a little surprised at the king's request, so he cautiously replied.

"Why me lord, surely there are men better suited to such a task. Why do you lay this burden on my shoulders?"

The King raised his head and answered.

"I should have you flogged for questioning my request!"

The King's countenance softened and a smile crept over his face.

"But I shall tell you why. Firstly, I see the way you treat the horses that pull the supply wagons and carriages. I don't know what magic you perform behind those high walls of yours, but the horses, even in this drought, are in fine shape. You think I don't know when you steal carrots from my kitchen and give them secretly to the animals. "

Obadiah was shocked at this revelation. He was found out. Surely he would be punished.
Instead the King burst out laughing.

" I know" the King said,"because I do the same for my battle-chargers. You see, Obadiah, I need someone who has a genuine love for the horses and mules.

Secondly, I know you are a devout man who loves and worships our God. You are a man I can trust. If I send anyone else, in these trying times, and they find water they will keep it for themselves and their families. They will not share it with the animals.
They will bring the water back and sell it for a profit, even to me, their King.
So you see, I need a man I can trust, a God-fearing man.
Also Yahweh might answer your prayers and lead you to water. He certainly won't answer mine."

Obadiah couldn't hold in any longer. He knew what the problem was. So he took his life in his hands and pleaded.

"Oh king, why do you not find the Lord's prophet Elijah and repent of your wrongdoings? The Lord will forgive you and send rain."

"Huh! You think I haven't tried. I have been searching high and low, these last two years, for that foul smelling, skin-bedecked, disappearing vagabond.
But enough talk. I have decided. I will search from here towards the sea. You will scout from here towards the mountains. Go now and don't disappoint your king. "

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