Chapter 23

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It had been two weeks since Obadiah met with the king. He had set out with two of his trusted servants. As far as finding water was concerned, they had no luck. The palace master wanted to return home but knew the king wouldn't take lightly to the bad news.

They climbed up the mountain slope to reach the tree line. They would camp under the canopy of leaves to escape the scorching sun and return home in the morning.

They were resting under the trees when a familiar sound reached their ears. All three men heard the sound at the same time. It was Tuka, the youngest, who sprang up and dived through the undergrowth. As the other two started to make their way towards the sound, Tuka returned. He held his finger to his lips, indicating they should be quiet, but beckoning them to follow at the same time. Soon they could not only hear the sound but see the glorious sight of water making its way over the stony bed of a mountain stream.

Tuka held up his hand. They all stopped. There sitting at the side of the brook, was a man with unkempt hair and wearing clothing made of skins. Without turning or moving at all, the man said.

"Come, have a drink. You must be thirsty for this is the only water for miles around. Come! I won't bite."

It was Obadiah who now took the lead.

"I know that voice, I have heard it many times in the palace.
Is it you, Lord Elijah?"

"I am glad you recognise me by my voice. Normally people only know who I am by the skins that cover my body."

Elijah flicked away the raven that was perched on his hand. He continued,

"What brings you here, Palace keeper? You should be back in Samaria dancing to the queen's demands."

Obadiah approached the prophet and bowed low before him. He answered with just a hint of a smile.

"The queen, as you probably know, is with child and finds Samaria too hot and dry and has moved to the palace at Jezreel."

"And the king?"

"He paces up and down the palace passages fretting about his horses. That's why I'm here, to find water and grass for his war horses."

Elijah answered.
"The king's mounts should worry about their master. Their future is secure. I am not so sure about his."

Obadiah continued.
"The king has been searching for you for the last few months."

Elijah answered.
"I have been near but the Lord hid me from the king. The time was not yet ripe, but now is come.
Let your horses eat and drink their fill tonight. Leave very early tomorrow morning and ride the shortest route to Samaria. Tell the king, before the sun has completely set tomorrow evening, I will stand before him."


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