27 | Cerise + Saint

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Cerise was delighted that her hair stylist had an opening the day before her birthday.

So after her morning classes, she sat in the salon chair as her hair was tugged on, watching corny murder dramas. She was about halfway through the appointment, and her butt was beginning to ache.

Cerise's hand left the cover of the cape protecting her clothes as she raised her phone to her face after it vibrated. She felt the need to turn her screen brightness down, knowing that if she were a hairdresser she'd be peeking over her client's shoulder.

New Message!

Saint 🖤: Almost done?

She smiled down at her phone from the message.

It seemed like he didn't believe her when she told him that the appointment would take at least 6 hours, maybe even more since there weren't any extra hands available.

She sent a quick reply:

Cerise: About halfway I think.

Saint 🖤: Want me to bring you something to eat? You must be hungry.

Cerise: Aren't you at work?

Cerise: Nvm, I forgot who I was talking to.

Saint 🖤: I just want an excuse to come see you.

Cerise stifled her giggle, feeling as though she had a tail wagging behind her. She collected herself by clearing her throat.

"Hey, is it okay if someone drops some food off for me?" she asked politely.

"As long as you share," Jas, her hair braider, said before laughing, "I'm just playing. Of course, a girl's gotta eat."

Cerise expressed her gratitude before looking back to her phone to send another message.

Cerise: I am pretty hungry.

Saint sent her a thumbs up, and her response was to send her location. As she waited she found herself swallowing her saliva as her stomach growled.

She also felt a small headache coming on. She couldn't tell if it was a hunger headache or from every possible strand of hair being twisted back.

Probably both.

"Looks like your delivery is here," Jas said, "Oh my goodness."

Cerise looked to the entrance, nearly bouncing in her seat as she saw Saint ducking through the door with boxes balanced in his hand.

"Yesss, to the rescue," she smiled.

Saint raised the small boxes in gesture and made his way over when Jas waved him further into her small studio. Jas released her hold on Cerise's hair and turned to open a fresh pack, allowing Cerise to freely reach out to him.

He grabbed one of her hands with his free one, raising it to his lips easily with the lifted position of the chair. He kissed the back of her hand before greeting her.

"Hi, baby."

"Oop," Jas said hushedly.

"Hi, bubs," Cerise smiled, looking at the boxes in his hand and seeing the familiar logo, "Is that pizza?"

Saint passed her a box, and she put it in her lap and eagerly opened it to find her favorite kind, "Thank you!"

"For you," he told Jas, who took the other box gratefully.

He's so amazing.

Cerise hummed while raising a slice to her mouth and taking a large bite of the cheesy pizza. Saint's lip turned up, then his fingers were gently pinching her stuffed cheek.

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