August 8, 2023

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School starts in two weeks. I almost cried, but I remembered that I don't cry, so I just kicked a random guy in the shins instead. He needed it. He was being a jerk to some girl. 

While I was in California, I visited Monterey. That is my most favorite town on earth. There is a mall-like indoor/outdoor I-don't-really-know-how-to-describe-it-but-it's-still-cool shopping thing on the pier close to the Aquarium on Cannery Row. I LOVE that place. They have a giant statue-like Kraken there. I got a picture sitting on it. Right next to the Kraken is a sword shop. A FREAKING SWORD SHOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The lady who runs it let me handle the swords. Most of them were katanas, but there were some medieval and videogame swords, too. They had a Legend of Zelda sword that was super cool. Next time I go, I'm going to get me a katana. 

Right up the street from that is a cute pet shop. I got a chew for my dog, Aiden, and freaked the owner lady out by joking that the music playing sounded like Casting Crowns, (a Christian band that bases it's sounds off of Evanescence), when it was, in fact, Evanescence playing. Poor lady. She honestly looked like I had just told her that I was planning on poisoning the harbor. 

Also on Cannery Row, there is an awesome crepe place. I always eat there when I go. I don't like spinach, but I liked their spinach crepe. Across from that and down a bit is a store dedicated almost completely to sea otters, aside from the occasional octopus. I got a stuffy otter that is half my size. That's not saying much, because I'm like, really short, but it's still cool. I also got an otter change purse-keychain, which is handmade out of leather, so that was super cool, too. What is even cooler is that when I was in Julian Mining town the week before, I found a German shepherd one, made by the same company, that is almost identical to my puppy, so I now have both the shepherd and the otter keychains. What is also cool is that the otter one matched my schoolbag, which is also an otter, and the dog one has a red star on it that matches my workbag, so I put them on those respective bags.

I went to one of my cousin's birthday parties there, too. They both knew who I was, but I didn't know them. I was shocked. Also I brought the wrong bathing suit, so I didn't actually get in the ocean (it was a beach party) because my swimming suit has a super deep 'V' in the front, and i was scare that it would slip off and I would accidentally flash the (extremely crowded) beach, so I just sat on the beach on a towel taking pictures. Both my normal and this 'V' swimsuit are black, and I had almost forgotten it, so I ran into the house last minute to grab it, and I said "Modesty! It's a young teenager party!" and the Universe said "F**k no! You're going to grab this one and embarrass yourself!" so, yeah. I was in California before I realized what had happened. At least it was southern CA; pretty much no one noticed.

Other than that, I think there's nothing more.

Until next time!

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