August 18, 2023

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It's chilly outside, which means pumpkin spice, heaters, and medieval music!! I love winter. It's not even fall yet, but I feel the excitement.  School's open house was last night. It shocked me how many of the people I knew. The teachers are all super nice, and most of them are customers in my mother's store. I have been thinking that I may go to Natchitoches, Louisiana for Christmas. I don't feel obligated to attend the family Christmases anymore. It's not like I get along with anyone outside of my six cousins and my granddad.

  I have learned that my mother and aunt view me as their 'failure child' and that they will "try their best to make sure none of the others are drawn into sin". I'm just like "What? Do you know how easy you have it?" I never snuck out, never drank, smoked, slept around, had a boyfriend, never even had a crush on anyone, never got arrested, never stole, never bullied anyone, etc, etc... and they STILL think I am an, and I quote them here, "evil child" and a "b**ch", a "sl*t", and more that I'm not even going to write. Even today. I feel sorry for my younger cousins Jamie and Emily. They are following in my footsteps of 'evil' and their mom (my aunt) is just beside herself. It's kinda funny watching my mom and my aunt's mental breakdowns about how all the kids in the family are going to hell because they watch Disney and superheroes.
(No, seriously. That's their reason. I am literally not joking. I was grounded for four years because I watched Narnia. My mom even took away my bedroom up until January of this year.)
That, kids, is an excellent example of overconservative Christianity. There is a balance to be met, and they missed it by a couple of galaxies. 

 Anyway, enough about me and my problems. They are all going to be resolved very soon anyway. I have too much to do to care about any of that anymore.
My job at the newspaper is going well. I actually did an article about my time in California. I am going to work on the cover for my story today. We shall see what we shall see. 

Alright, I think that's about it.
Until next time!

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