March 14, 2024

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So, here's the story:
 Last night, I  was watching Brooklyn 99. Now, anyone who knows me knows I LOVE Brooklyn 99. I get really excited about it. Last night was no different, except I didn't have the exhaustion-induced sleep that I usually do, (too much adrenaline) so I talked to my best friend, Vikki, until abut 10. While talking to her, I remembered that I have melatonin pills for my occasional insomnia attacks. So, naturally, I'm like "Well, this is awesome. I'll just take one of those."  So I did.  One was the dosage, and I took one. I fall asleep about an hour later.  I was like "Yes! They work!!" 
Then I woke up. At  5:15 AM. Before my alarm went off. And I was WIRED.  I sit there watching as  my alarm goes off not  30 second later.  I turn it off, and  I have been  going at 100 mph ever since. I feel like I drank one of Tim Drake's  Monster-Red Bull-coffee monstrosities. I am so hyper.    
I told my mom about it, and she said "Well, you must have an opposite reaction to melatonin." and I was like "Who has an opposite reaction to melatonin?" But, well, me apparently!

Also, about 2 weeks ago,  I was driving home. I was on my road, and I was listening to Bad Blood and singing at the top of my lungs. Completely distracted.   When I look up, I notice that I am on the wrong side of the road, and a car is almost on top of me. I swerve back into my lane, apologizing profusely to the other driver (like they could hear me), and paid a lot more attention the rest of the way home. 
Next day, the principal of my school comes up to me as I am filling my water bottle in the hallway and he asks "Was that you that almost hit me yesterday?" And I was like "...maybe". He was really nice about it and thought it was hilarious, but  I'm still embarrassed that I almost hit the principal.  Which is not good. 

But, that's about it. 
Until next time,

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