[Hints {Omori ~ Sunflower} Fluff?] (Part 1)

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This takes place before the group split up and Mari died and stuff

Kels POV

It's the not-so-significant-day I've been waiting all week for! The second my alarm started blaring I hit to button to silence it and sat up while stretching my arms out. Heros alarm blared for longer as he didn't want to get up yet. I heard my brother groan as he reached to shut off his alarm, he completely missed it. I laughed out at my brothers failure at which he finally opened his eyes only to glare at me.

"Come on stop being such a grump! Its~the~hang~out~day~~" I threw a pillow from my bed at Hero.

He didn't seem thrilled with my wake up call but had no choice other then getting up, knowing I wouldn't shut up unless he did. I (quite litterally) jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom before Hero even had a chance.

"Oh come on Kel you take forever!" Heros voice was muffled through the locked bathroom door.

"Do not!"
"Do too!"
"Do no~t"
"You so do"

I blew a raspberry and started on my morning routine, sitting in the bathroom for ten minutes just to piss off my brother. I wasn't really doing anything other then sitting there and taking an unreasonable amount of time brushing my teeth and hair.

Hero would knock on the door every so often to which I just responded, "Just a few more minutes!"

I finally left the bathroom after roughly ten minutes. Hero flicked my forehead as we switched places and scoffed. I think he might be onto me.

I ran back to my room to get dressed. As always I threw on my orange basketball shorts (don't worry I did a sniff test) and a tank top I got a few days prior. Prior is such a fun word! Pry-er.

"This is the third day in a row you've warn those shorts, Kel" I definitely knew Hero had entered our room.

"If they smell fresh then they're wearable" I flexed my arms to show how absolutely awesome my outfit was as if it wasn't something I wore everyday.

Hero just rolled his eyes and opened his closet to pick out something to wear.

"Remember, dress to impress! A little birdie told me Mari 's coming~" I smirked and laughed at his unamused expression.

"I know she's coming, Kel. Mari is a part of our friend group. We all hang out atleast one day a week unless we're sick-"

I cut him off, "Sometimes even if we are sick. Remember when Basil didn't wanna miss out so tried to act like he wasn't sick? I don't know if I should be flattered or worried."

"He definitely wasn't acting just to see you. Do you see the way he looks at Sunny? He's definitely head over heels." The indesisive Hero finally picked out a graphic t-shirt and kaki shorts.

"No way! Basil totally likes that guy I was telling you about! The one who raced me in gym"

Hero stared at me like I had two heads "Are you serious? Even I can see the signs that Basil is in love with Sunny. Just watch them today and you'll see it too. Sometimes I think their dating and just not telling us"

"Alright, bro. I'll watch them like a hawk and prove it to you! Ten bucks says their not even close to liking eachother" I put my hand out for Hero to shake.

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