[Slaughtered Siren {TDI/IOTS ~ Noco} Angst & Fluff?]

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Island of the Slaughtered is an unofficial installment of Total Drama Island where season one contestants were abandoned on the island with a murderer. This oneshot uses this so don't proceed if mentions of death trigger you
Read at your own risk

Cody's POV

When the other group returned to the camp later then expected the breath everyone had been holding seemed to come from everyone at once.. except mine.

"Where is Noah.?" My breath still being held caused my voice to be a higher pitch then usual.

Duncan rolled his eyes and crossed his arms the second I spoke. "That friendless dickwad wanted to stay by the lake but the rest of us didnt want to die so we left him"

"That's not what-" the person who spoke was cut off so fast that my rising anxiety aswell as that prevented me from knowing who spoke.

"The whole reason we made groups was so there was too many of us for the killer! Duncan, you left him to die!?" I didn't mean to raise my voice but the situation made it seem necessary.

"Lower your voice man it's no big deal. He can handle himself" I might become the new murderer if Duncan doesn't shut up.

"Someone give me a flashlight, please" When no one moved as much as an inch I asked again, "I need a flashlight." The tone I used caused someone from the other group to slide a flashlight into my hand.

"Cody, you can't be serious. If he wanted us to leave your the last person he would want to get him" Duncans voice faded as he spoke since I was already leaving. "Your gonna die if you go alone!" That was the last attempt to get me to come back I heard.

I shined the flashlight at trees during my walk to the shore since you never know the sick way the killer will dispose of his newest toy. We've already lost 6 people and one was made into a game of hide and seek.

My heart dropped into my stomach when I saw a noose tied on a tree when the sand and dirt mixed on the trail.

I was too late.

I ran past the noose, sand filling my sneakers with every step. As I was running my light landed on the last thing I wanted to see.

Hot tears ran down my cheeks as my shaking legs moved towards the dock without me telling them to.

"No. No, no, no, no, no" I muttered as I kneeled on the now bloody dock. Noah's dead body layed floating infront of me. His eyes were white but they weren't as wide as most other victims so far. He had a knife stabbed into his shoulder but any blood was washed away by the water.

This is all his fault. Duncan left him to die here. He knew there was a killer but his own annoyance caused Noahs death.

"It's all your fault! You left him because you had a fight! You manipulated your group to leave him! You are the one who killed Noah!" My pointer finger was stabbing into Duncans chest as I backed him into a wall.

It was the next morning when I came back to the rest of the people I was trapped here with.

How did I not die? I was all alone and crying quite hard. The killer must have heard me.

"Which one of you told him?" Duncan looked at his group for help but they all pretended to not notice.

"So it is true? Your unbelievable! I knew you had issues but this is too far" my voice started breaking halfway through my last sentence and my eyes filled with tears that I prayed wouldn't spill.

"Sit on a dick, Cody. You don't know what he did to me first!" Duncan rose his arms to try and sell that Noah did anything wrong.

"Your the one who started that argument and Noah was doing what was best for your group. You can live with knowing your the reason Noah is dead." With that, I headed back out. I couldn't stand seeing anyone now.

This time no one tried to get me to come back.

Going back to the dock was probably the worst idea at the time but that was the only place I could see Noah now.

When I got to the noose I heard something.. odd. Someone was humming and it was coming from the beach. Everyone else was still back at the camp.

If curiosity killed the cat then call me the 8th victim. I made my way to the dock and the humming got louder with every step. The hum sounded like Noahs but there was no way.. Noah is dead.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I should be horrified but somehow.. I was excited. Noah was half in the water with his arms folded on the dock as if it was a school desk.

I quickly started running to the dock. Noah seemed to hear the sand being kicked because he lifted his head to look at me. I assumed the victims went blind due to the white eyes but when Noah smiled I was proven wrong.

I sat on my knees infront of him with tears pouring down my face like the day prior but now I was happy.

"How- how are you moving?" I touched one of his hands and surprisingly it was tangible but it was ice cold and wet as if it was still underwater.

"Beats me. I'm glad your here though, I was so bored" we laughed together for an unreasonable amount of time.

"And I'm not hallucinating, right?" I pinched myself then covered and uncovered my eyes.

"I don't think so, I feel pretty real" Noahs monotone voice that almost always sounds sarcastic never made me so happy before.

I must have stayed there for hours talking with Noah because next thing I know, the sun has set.

No one came to find me.

From that day forward everyday I would sneak away from the camp for atleast an hour to talk with Noah. I would bring him books he packed to keep him busy when I was gone and we would talk or play a boardgame that I packed whenever I came.

It was surprising that I never died while I was out all alone or when I would stay late. Was something protecting me? That makes no sense. I'll have to ask Noah if he saw who killed him and put an end to this sick madness. Why hadn't I asked before now?

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