[Couple Stuff {Omori ~ Cactiflower} Fluff?]

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Mari did die but she actually commit and Sunny didn't move. Their personalities are kind of a mix of Headspace and Faraway

Basils POV

One of the funniest things to me is what Kel will do when he thinks I'm sleeping. I know Kel would get mad if he realized that I didn't really sleep much at night so in the morning I'll pretend to sleep. In that time, Kel will do the cutest things.

Kel and I have lived together for maybe a year and a half? Aubrey recently moved into our guestroom after she cursed out a customer at her old job and wasn't able to find anywhere else. That was off topic.

Kel and I somehow randomly fell into a routine in the morning and night. After reminding Kel to brush his teeth and sometimes showering the way we sleep is.. interesting?

Despite my skin being naturally really warm, I'm always colder then everyone else around me. Kel is also naturally warm to the touch, but internally he's also hot. We fall asleep cuddling while facing eachother. To deal with comfort, Kel has a fan pointing at him and he kind of just curls around me so the fan won't hit me. I'm always wrapped in a soft blanket that's decently thick. Kel only keeps his feet under the blanket most of the time.

By morning im facing the opposite direction most of the time, but Kel doesn't really move too much. I'll be doing something on my DS or texting Sunny since his sleep schedule is also terrible due to his job. I know to hide my device in the side of the bed when Kel starts stirring at around 6-8.

Here comes one of my favorite parts of the morning.

Once Kel wakes up and sees that I'm 'sleeping' next to him he'll wrap his arms back around me like when we fell asleep. To wake me up- well, no. At first he didn't mean to wake me up like that but it's kind of just stuck since the first time. Kel will either nuzzle his head into the crook of my neck or my back depending on our positioning. I never wouldn've expected Kel to do stuff like that but it's adorable that he does.

Once he sees my eyes open he used to kiss me but then we realized how terrible our morning breath was and decided we would do that after brushing our teeth.

And that's where we are now, brushing our teeth as Aubrey wakes up.

"Morning fags" Aubrey says that every morning without fail. It used to start a fight between Kel and her, but over time Kel learned to ignore it and continue brushing his teeth silently.

I spit out the toothpaste that was in my mouth then rinsed the brush "Good morning, Aubrey"

"Who's making breakfast this morning?" Aubrey and I switched spots so she could brush her teeth now.

Kel spit out his toothpaste to speak up while washing off his brush "I figured we could go out to breakfast"

I grabbed the hairbrush off the counter and started brushed my hair while leaning against the wall "Any occasion or do you just want to go out?"

"I just want to go out" Kel shrugged and turned to me with the pink flower pin that I've warn since my parents first business trip before I even went to school.

"As long as you two aren't all lovey dovey the whole time eating out is cool" Aubrey spoke with a mouth full of minty toothpaste.

"Last time I checked this is our house and not yours, we'll be as lovey as we want" to prove his point Kel lifted my chin and planted a gentle kiss on my lips.

Aubrey fake gagged and spit out her toothpaste. "You guys are so gay"

"And your not?" Kel fasned the pin in my hair while I just laughed quietly at the scene unfolding.

"I'm actually bi so jokes on you" Aubrey pointed the wet toothbrush at Kel while scowling

"So your half gay, I'm technically not wrong" Kel took the hairbrush from me and pointed it at Aubrey as a retaliation.

"C-come on guys- it's too early for a fight" I got in-between them both and pushed their wrists down to stop their pointing.

Aubrey crossed her arms and stuck out her tounge but Kel immediately started apologizing. Kel associates my stuttering with being scared but that isn't the only time I do it. Nervous, flustered, sometimes when I'm excited!

"Alright enough of that gay boys. I'll drive" Aubrey pushed passed us to get the keys and start her car.

"You can have shotgun" I smiled up at Kel then left the bathroom to go put my shoes on.

"You sure? I can sit back there with you- or we can switch!" Kel chased after me down the stairs.. I wasn't even going that fast.

"I'm sure" I laughed quietly as I spoke. I handed Kel his beat up sneakers then started trying to tie my boots. Why wouldn't I just get zip up boots if I'm so bad at tying shoes?

Kel finished tying his shoes first so he then helped me with mine and we were out and in Aubreys car.

Neither me or Kel were really dressed but he sleeps in shorts and a t-shirt while I sleep in a sweater and pajama pants. I just changed into my overalls before leaving the house. On the contrary, Aubrey got dressed before leaving her room in her typical jean shorts, crop top, and flannel around her waist or over her shoulders.

"We're going local right?" Aubrey side glanced at Kel then glued her eyes back to the road.

"You know it!" Kel grinned and grabbed the bar next to the car window to hang his arm from.

I just stared out the window until Aubrey pulled up to a local breakfast place. It wasn't exactly popular but it had a decent amount of people inside.

Kel held my hand as we all walked inside and didn't let go until we were seated. We always do this because of how stupidly anxious I get in public.

Before any conversations could start the waitress came over and asked for drink orders.

"Just black coffee please" Aubrey smiled while ordering.

"I'll have a chocolate milk," Kel leaned down and whispered to me, "Same as always?" I nodded and he did back "And hot herbal tea, please" The waitress nodded then left our table alone.

Aubrey looked confused but she shook her head and looked down at her menu instead of saying anything. Kel was gazing over the menu until he found something he thought was interested then passed his to me.

I always order from the kids menu since I won't eat a whole adult portion. I normally always get the same thing from here. I tapped Kels shoulder then pointed at what I wanted. He smiled and gave me a thumbs up to which I just smiled.

"Okay what the fuck are you two doing?" Aubrey pointed at both of us at the same time.

"Oh! Well Basil is scared to order on his own so I do it for him" Aubrey nodded slowly as if she was still skeptical.

"Interesting.." Aubrey stared at us for another minute then shrugged when the waitress came back.

"What can I get you folk to eat?" She clicked her pen to get ready to write it down.

Aubrey repeated the exact name from the menu which the waitress scribbled down. Kel ordered for himself then pointed to me while ordering mine.

"Sir- it's called a childrens menu for a reason.. he's an adult" the waitress was staring at me which was not fun at all.

Kel obviously picked up on my discomfort. "There's no age limit on the menu and it's never been a problem before. Now get us what we ordered please and thank you" The waitress just nodded and collected the menus.

"Look at you with your scary dog privileges" Aubrey smirked and poked my shoulder.

"But Kels not scary at all- no offense" I didn't mean to insult anyone

Kel just shrugged "No worries"

"Yeah, if you've met him. But imagine not knowing how he is, Kels a 6'4 man who wears his hair in a ponytail or a manbun. People are either attracted or terrified and both work in your favor" Aubrey laughed quietly at her own words.

"Whatever you say I guess.."

I don't really know what to do anymore someone give me suggestions :c /nf

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