[Tired {Inanimate Insanity ~ Payjay} Fluff]

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I hate uwu boy paper
Also sorry that their so out of character mb..

Third person POV

There are many different kinds of tired. There's a tired because you didn't sleep, or a tired of people. There's many more that I won't list but OJ felt as if he was feeling them all at the same time. He couldn't remember that last time he had slept but it was probably (much) over atleast 24 hours. Since the invitationals were now at the hotel and the final four from season 2 hadn't been taken back to finish yet the hotel was packed. All of the objects inside had different sleep schedules and because of that OJ was worked to the bone. It didn't help that he wouldn't except help from anyone else no matter how stressed out he was.

He seemed to be falling asleep as he stood over the stove with a pan in hand. He was making breakfast for anyone up at this time. Usually the residents make their own lunch or dinner but OJ or Paper took care of breakfast to make sure no one was going to starve. No one had made their way to the kitchen yet so it was just OJ who was only awake with the fear of starting a fire with careless cooking. He had already burnt himself once since he was so burnt out.

The first person to come into the kitchen just happened to be Paper. He was stretching and OJ guessed that he had just woken up and obviously didn't open the complains desk yet. The hotel honestly didn't have any complaints other then other people's drama and of course Salt being a drama queen about OJ being as fruity as the juice in his cup if not then more.

OJ glanced over his shoulder as he slid another pancake on the growing pile on the biggest plate the hotel had "Morning Paper" he put as much fake happiness in his tone as he could as he tried to wake up himself.

"Good morning! You need any help on those pancakes? Early risers are gonna be up in the next five minutes" Paper strolled over next to OJ but he quickly pushed Paper back a bit

"Your probably the most flammable object in the whole hotel" OJ chuckled as he just barely turned over to Paper to see if he was smiling aswell.

Which he was but that was until the dark bags under OJs eyes caught his attention "Woah OJ, when's the last time you looked at your bed?"

"That's not your problem, why don't you go open complaints" OJ took his hand off the pan to try and point in the direction of the complaints desk but he pointed in the complete opposite direction.

"It will be my problem when you burn down your hotel with careless cooking" Paper grabbed the arm that was pointing and held it away from the stove.

It's only as if the object gods saw this predicament and sent Soap in at that moment. She seemed tired but pretty content otherwise.

"Oh perfect timing, Soap. Can you take over breakfast while I put him to bed?" Paper waited until OJs other hand was empty then pulled him away from the stove

"Come on Paper I'm not 3- I'll go to bed when I don't have anything else to do" OJ would usually be able to pull away easily but he was significantly weaker for obvious reasons.

"God you might as well be with how whiney and grubby you are" Soap wet a paper towel then wiped any speck of dust she could find off the glass. "But yeah I'll take over, good luck with him"

Soap was probably the only other person in the hotel other then OJ and Paper that was trusted to do anything important like cooking or cleaning.

"Thanks, I'll need it" Paper then grabbed OJs hand tighter and practically dragged him out of the kitchen and to his office.

The way the hotel was structured was that right when you walk in if you look right it's the complaints desks double doors then OJs office right next to it with a much simpler door. Both of these rooms were connected in case the two needed to talk about anything and then connected to those were their separate rooms in the respective places but their rooms didn't connect.

OJ had tried to break away multiple times but after they made it to the door of his bedroom he realized he wouldn't be getting out of this.

Paper used his foot to ease the door open and he was honestly surprised by the interior. The bed was a mess but the rest of the room was pretty clean. There was barely any decor other then a few photos from the first Inanimate Insanity season then a photo from court. Most of the photos had Paper in then aswell which he smiled at.

"Do I have to lock the door or will you be easy?" Paper had a dumb smirk as he raised an eyebrow and sat OJ on his bed.

(I'm gonna do the cliche thing)
"I'll sleep.. on one condition" OJ for once wasn't thinking about the well being of the hotel, he was thinking for himself

"Which is?" Paper crossed his arms but they were quickly unfolded as OJ grabbed one of his hands and pulled him down a bit

"Stay with me?" OJ didn't even have the energy to try and make eye contact. He was simply staring at both of their hands

"But what about the hotel upkeep?" Paper was obviously considering it since he hadn't even tried to pull away yet

"We can take care of it in a few hours, I know your tired too" OJ tried to lean back and pull Paper with him but he just sat on the edge of the bed so neither would get hurt.

"Fine but I better not get any complaints when you wake up" it's honestly funny that OJ brought up Paper being tired since he was probably the least tired he's been in a while

"Deal" OJ layed down after shoving in his cork. He doesn't want to clean up his sheets from spilling every night so he had a cork to keep the juice in. He then hugged around Papers waist to urge him to lay down aswell.

Paper was heasitant but eventually did lay down facing away from OJ. It could be how tired OJ was or maybe he genuinely likes it because he didn't let go of Paper. He moved his arms up a bit then layed his head against Papers back.

OJ was out like a light after that and Paper couldn't do anything other then wait for the manager to wake up since he's so awake there's no way he could make it to sleep himself.

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