[Draw stars on her scars {Excellent Entities ~ Moondiary} Fluff Angst?]

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I can't find a ship name is making me very upset so if anyone knows it please tell me (update: I found the ship name :3)
Also their human because I said so
TW: suicide and self harm is like the entire plot

3rd person POV

Moonstone was trying to reteach herself half of her abilities. She had been pulled aside before being put on team A and was asked to keep using her powers to a minimum since it would be very unfair to the other team. She honestly didn't care much about the whole fairness thing but it would just be boring if she won every challenge so she obliged.

She was the only one in the A cabin at the time. She was on the top bunk that she shared with Diary. She sat with her legs crossed and her sleeves rolled up as she stared intently at a pen sitting on someones nightstand. She honestly had no idea who's. An ability she used to know was telekinesis but over time she had started to forget and she was facing a lot of problems.

Moonstone usually didn't need her hands but she did when she first learned so she figured that may help. Her eyes lit up when half of the pen lifted an inch off the desk but he excitement broke her concentration which caused the pen to fall on the floor. She groaned and covered her face with her hands as she frustratingly kicked her feet against the mattress.

Much to Moonstones dismay a certain person had come in just in time to watch her mini tantrum. The girl that had Moonstones stomach doing flips whenever they so much as looked at her.

"What has you all worked up?" Diary raised and eyebrow as she walked over to the ladder.

Moonstone snapped out of it the second she heard her crushes voice. "Oh- it's nothing really" she waved her hand dismissively which was another bad idea.

Diary tried to ignore it at first so that she wouldn't make Moonstones embarrassment any worse. She bent down and picked up the pen then looked up at Moonstone "Did you need this?"

Moonstone shook her head quickly "I don't know who's it is"

"Well good" Diary motioned for Moonstone to move over then she climbed the ladder and uncapped the pen.

"What are you gonna do with that up here?" She assumed that she wasn't really Diarys favorite person because of the Telephone thing so she was only thinking the worst.

"You'll see" Diary gently took Moonstones hand then turned her arm over, still holding her hand so she couldn't pull away.

Moonstones eyes widened and she quickly reached her other hand over to pull her sleeve down. Diary caught that hand and held it aswell "Dont"

Moonstone tilted her head up slightly as she looked away. She definitely didn't want Diary to see her tears aswell as what landed her in the mental hospital years prior.

Diary managed to stay calm and not make Moonstone feel bad for this. Diary studied the various slits that discolored all of Moonstones underarm. Diary wasn't good at this kind of stuff at all so she stayed silent which let Moonstones head spinning.

"I-ive been.. uh.. clean for a few months so.." Though she was caught in her lie when Diary simply pointed to one that was still a scabbed line.

"Do you want to talk about why?" Diary picked up that pen again as Moonstone shook her head.

"What about a distraction?" Diary pulled her arm closer then started drawing small stars following the healed lines.

"Please" Moonstone sniffled and used her free hand to wipe her eyes.

"Do you have any theories on who has that immunity thing?" Diary didn't heasitate as she made her way up moonstones arm, skipping the newer scars to avoid infections.

"Maybe Chalky?" Moonstone was barely giggling since the pen did tickle with each stroke.

It didn't take much to figure out how much Moonstone liked stars since she had star tattoos on the backs of her hands and a lot of other assorted things like decor and clothes all following space themes.

"That's a better guess then mine. Half of our team has dumb luck" Diary snickered as she pushed up Moonstones sleeve more. The slits stopped just at her elbow which honestly hurt Diary. Moonstone is her friend and never thought to tell her any of this.

Diary and Moonstone went back and forth not even talking about the game for the most part. By the end of the day Moonstones arms were covered in small ink stars and none of her scars except for the new ones were visible.

"Thank you Diary" Moonstone pulled her arms back so then she could give Diary a hug

"Honestly I think stars suit you" Diary pulled back and held Moonstones hands so she could see her work clearer "I might have to do this more often"

And that's what Diary did. If not every week then every other week Diary would check in a replace the washed off stars from Moonstones arms. This really encouraged Moonstone to stop and soon enough there were no visible scars at all since none were open.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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