[The forbidden word {SMG4 ~ SMG34} Angst? & Fluff]

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Im gonna reference Its Gotta Be Perfect as much as I want


It hadn't been long since SMG3 decided to move into the new castle. I thought he liked the internet graveyard but I can understand why he would want to move in. He was getting a lot closer with Meggy. I was glad SMG3 had found a friend in here seeing as he hates my guts.

It's getting harder to believe that 3 really hates me though. No.. he definitely does. He was about to die, he was probably just saying that to save his ass.

I sighed and looked down at my computer. I have to get back to this video so I can finish it.

As I thought of how to make the video better I swiveled my chair to the window. It was still dark out. Maybe I hadn't been working as long as I'd thought.

I'm snapped from my trance when I hear scratching at my door.


Eggdog like coming in to play with Beeg so no suspicions crossed my mind.

I grabbed a dog treat out of the small bag I kept on my desk specifically for Eggdog. I walked to the door and opened it, immediately kneeling down to pet Eggdog. He yipped happily as I held out the treat infront of him, tail wagging so fast it could leave a bruise. Then I noticed something.. someone was standing behind him.

I slowly trailed my eyes up, taking in the black sweatpants, then the almost skin tight black shirt.. shit.

SMG3 yawned and stretched his arms behind his head before returning his gaze to me. He squinted as if he was scowling but too tired to look menacing.

I nervously gave a wavering smile. I stopped petting Eggdog to which he nudged my hands to continue but I wasn't able to as I tried to think of what to say


"Why the fuck are you still awake?" My tone was harsher then I intended but I was pissed. Eggdog just woke me up my jumping on my stomach. When I opened the door to my room to see what he wanted he made a mad dash for SMG4s door. I could see the dim light from underneath the door so I know he didn't just wake up because of Eggdog.

"I was just finishing up a video- b-but don't worry! It's only been a few hours and I'm almost done" SMG4 rushed back to his computer chair, maybe thinking I would follow.

I walked inside and shut the door but didn't let SMG4 get far. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back towards the doorway. His room smelled really sweet. I looked around, trying to find out why. I saw that he had on of those tree car things tied to his fan even if it was off. I thought those only smelled like men's deodorant but I guess I was wrong.

"It's been 4 days" he seemed confused as I told him that.

"Well- whatever- as soon as I get this done I'll go to bed. It's gonna be perfect" he seemed to not realize what he said as he pried his arm out of my grip.

He just sat down and went back to editing.

"SMG4, you know we don't say that word anymore" I walked over to his desk, "Come on, Eggdog clearly wants to see you.

He still didn't look up

"Holy shit.. FOUR" That snapped him out of it.

"What? I'm just finishing really quick. You should go back to bed." He waved me away.

"Kay that's it" I pulled the rolling chair away from the computer and before he tried to push it back in I picked him up bridal style.

Even in the dim light I could see his face getting red.

"Eggdog wants to see you so I might as well stay while you sleep" I'll probably sleep too.

"H-hey no- Three, put me down!" He struggled against my arms but he was completely powerless when I layed in his bed, hugging him down.

"Your so stubborn. Now go to sleep and you can finish tomorrow" I watched as Eggdog hopped on numerous objects in order to get on SMG4s bed.

Eggdog was the best leverage to get him to sleep because after maybe a minute he muttered a small "Fine.."

"Thank you" I hugged his torso a bit tighter. I really did was to do this and now was the right time since I could say it was so he wouldn't get back up.

Eggdog curled up at our feet and was the first to fall asleep. SMG4 sighed softly then turned to face me "Thank you Three"

He then returned my hug and found a place in the crook of my neck to lay his head. Why do I love this so much?

I heasitantly reached one of my hands up his back and gently brushed it through his hair. I think I felt him smile but I'm not sure. Why he enjoyed the touch was a wonder to me but I found it kind of adorable and would never complain.

It didn't take too long for SMG4 to fall asleep.

I continued happily doing this until I found myself falling asleep too.

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