[III {Inanimate Insanity ~ Lightbrush} Fluff/angst?]

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So this was written to be lightbrush but it could just seem platonic based on how you look at it idk. Also ignore how out of character they are

Lightbulbs POV

After Mephone up and left the final four on an island for a day he decided to be nice to us as he waits on 'more supplies' for the remaining challenges. He reopened the portal to OJs hotel and instructed us to go in after assuring us we'd be back. Honestly there was only one thing I could really think of, I can see paintbrush again!

They got eliminated earlier so they have to be at OJs hotel, that's how it works. Baseball was the first through and then it was me then Knife and Suitcase. I can only guess that Baseball is as eager as me to see someone although I can only assume he's looking for Nickel.

After a second of white noise from the portal I opened my eyes to be met with "Paper? Where'd OJ go?" Baseball had been up before me and he was the first to ask although I would've asked the same.

"Oh he's on a vacation Mephone invited a few contestants on, he should be back soon. But until then, I'll show you to your rooms" Paper beaconed us to follow him down the hallway

"Ooo~ can I share with Paintbrush? We're like this" I then crossed my fingers and held them out towards Paper

"Sh-" he cleared his throat "Sorry, they. They room with Fan but when they get back I'll ask if anyone wants to switch"

Paper then looked back forward as my throat twisted into a knot "'get back'?"

"Yeah they were one of the ones invited on the vacation. I have a list somewhere if any of you wanna know who left" Paper suddenly stopped "These two are for you guys, two to a room" he then handed me four keys for me to distribute and walked off to do some other hotel business.

"Alright starting the bid on this key at one dollar" I then went on trying to talk like those guys do but I was talking so fast I couldn't keep up and just stopped. I definitely didn't stop since the rest of the finalists were just staring at me almost glaring.

I took the hint and just handed us each a key at random. Luckily I ended up with suitcase but I'd probably spend most of my time in Paintys room anyway. I put anything I had with me down on my bed then quickly went to find Paintbrushes room.

It wasn't very hard since the door was left slightly ajar. I wonder why.. "Baxter!" As I pushed open the door I saw him on what I can only assume is Paintys bed. I closed the door and quickly ran over. It's been so long and I love Baxter.

Fan was back pretty early and he didn't mind switching so I had the same room as Paintbrush. He gave me some weird look as he asked why and after I gave my answer he looked unimpressed but just nodded. I wonder what he wanted me to say.

Paintbrushes POV

I finally got off that show. I just wasn't interested anymore and it wasn't the same without the rest of my friends, mostly just one but the others make a difference.

I greeted Paper as I walked in through the front doors. He waved back then went back to what he was doing with a smirk. Why was he smirking?

Whatever I just wanna see Baxter right now. I walked all the way to my room and noticed that my door was closed. I wonder why. I reached down and turned the door knob only to find that it was locked.

Fan probably locked it for safety. I grabbed out my key and after a second I was able to get it open. I pushed it and the first thing that stood out was the yellow on Fans bed.. wait no


When she heard me she looked up from playing with Baxter and stared straight at me. We both stared for a second but then she broke down first she jumped off the bed and almost knocked me over with a tight hug. She had tears running down her face which honestly seemed a bit overkill.

I easily picked her up and returned the hug maybe even tighter then she was. We didn't need to use any words to know exactly what the other was saying. I went to let go but she refused to so I went back to hugging and sat down on my bed.

Baxter joined us by leaning against us both. I made sure she was comfortable then we sat there for what seemed like hours just enjoying seeing eachother after God knows how many months.

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