What did I do..?! (///)

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(Nobody's POV)

It was a sunny day. The mist hashira, Muichiro Tokito was sitting under a tree close to the butterfly mansion, looking at the clouds.   

He felt weird. Very weird. He normally forgets evrything and anyone, but he just can't get Tanjiro Kamado out of his head.

"What is this feeling...?" he thought to himself.

At that moment, the red haired guy appears out of nowhere.

"Hey Tokito-kun! How have you been?" asked Tanjiro Kamado with an adorable smile on his face.

(Muichiro's POV)

I don't know what I feel when he smiles. He looks so cute. And his lips... WAIT WAIT WAIT WHAT I'M THINKING ABOUT?!

"I'm good, thanks for asking." I answered quietly, looking at the grass.

"You sure your not sick? Your face is so red!" said Tanjiro, worried.

I looked at him and zooned out... I just can't...HIS CUTENESS IS KILLING ME!!

"Uhh.. Tokito-kun? Are you here? Hello?"

He was so close to my face. I coudn't resist.

I kissed him. Wait..KISSED??

His face went red like a tomato. So cute.

It felt..so good..i closed my eyes, I could even imagine being in heaven.

He tried to push me off two times but stopped.

Even I didn't really know what was going on. I bit his lip, asking for entrance, but Tanjiro isn't giving me permission. I don't think he knows what it means.

Then, I bit his lip harder and he let out a gasp that caused him to open his mouth. I slipped my tongue in. 

(Tanjiro's POV)

I don't know what's happening. Tokito kissed me. I was shocked.  My face was burning, I know that I was blushing. I tried to pull out by pushing him off, but he was stronger than me, so I stopped trying. Tokito closeed his eyes, so I did the same thing. 

My brain isn't working right now. Then, Tokito bit my lip. I didn't know what was the meaning of this, so I didn't do anything. But after this, he bit it harder and I let out a gasp. He slipped his tongue in my mouth...

But what is the meaning of this? does he like me or is just playing with me? but why am I the bottom?! I am older!  Poor me.. HUH? WHAT IS HE DOING??

(Nobody's POV)

Muichiro was exploring Tanjiro's mouth, causing him to let out some muffled moans.

He then broke the kiss. 

"He was delicious.." thought Muichiro.

He let the other boy breath a little and pull him in a hug.

Tanjiro was blushing like crazy, but hell does he know that Muichiro's still not satisfied.

This is my first book, sorry, it's very bad 😭

English isn't my first language so sorry for mistakes.

Sorry, it's shorter than Shinobu

Wait for part 2!

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