The Norwegian Cat

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"Tam! The neighbours move in today!"

Tamara frowned and flung herself onto her cotton checkered bed sheets. New neighbors were nothing interesting, just another pain in the neck. The reason she had to be woken up to be told this information was very unclear to her. In the end, she would have to greet them and be a somewhat functioning member of society.

Tamara was what you would sonsider to be your average teenager.

Average height, failing classes, sneaking a speaker into class, addicted to the internet.

The usual!

She quickly snatched up a grey hoodie from the floor and tugged it over her head. Hastily pushing open her window, she felt the cool air from outside, drifting into her stuffy room. She pretended not to notice the large white moving truck parked outside the neighbor's new house (that just so happened to be an arms length from her own!).

Snatching up her headphones, she immediately put her playlist on shuffle. A melody filled the empty space as she drummed her fingers to the familiar song.

It was her favorite band! She absolutely loved this song, but it just didn't hit today. She clicked the skip button and let the new song play.

Tamara pushed herself up from his bed and nodded her head to the beat as she tunefully hummed the words to herself.

'You look just like an angel,'

She twirled the string of her headphones around her index finger as she pressed her lips together.

'Your skin makes me cry'

The lyrics continued, but the words did not come from Tamara's mouth.

Tamara spun around to face the window, unaware of the sudden other voice joining her solo. A quiet voice, but she could still tell that it was the same song she was playing.

A small cat was perched on her faded blue windowsill. It gingerly licked it's padded paw and smoothed down the sleek fur behind its ear.

Tam cast a concerned glance and kneeled down so she was eye level with the feline, who she suspected was the culprit.

"Did... did you just sing?"

An incredulous giggle ended the awkward silence in the empty room. Tamara's sockets darted around and finally locked eyes with another pair. Peering out the old window frame in the house parallel to her own were the eyes of a stranger.

A pretty girl was leaning on the window ledge of the house beside Tamara's. She had light brown hair that went down to her waist and two weird looking tufts of hair on each side of her head that looked like weird horns. (It was weird, sure, but who was Tamara to judge other's fashion choices?) The girl's sweater was white, loosely pulled over a red crop top. Her outfit was completed with a silver necklace hanging around her neck and an assortment of embellishments that adorned her person.

Though her style seemed odd, it was nothing against her most striking feature.

Her eyes.

One grey, and the other red.

Her head was thrown back, an unwomanly snort gracing her features. It took a few minutes for the laughter to stop and the stranger to simmer down.

"You're really something, aren't you?" She asked as she began giggling again, in a somewhat condescending way.

"Excuse me?"

"Cats don't speak, dumbfuck. That voice was from none other than yours truly."

"Oh," Tamara lowered her eyes, looking abashed. "You have a nice voice."

And in a quieter voice, "Would be nice if your attitude matched it."

If the mysterious girl across from her heard Tamara's remark, she didn't say anything about it. "You too, kitty-boy."


Tam's face scrunched up in alarm, being offended by the childish nickname. The stranger grinned and stretched out an arm for a welcoming handshake.

"I'm not a boy." She glowered.

"Oh? But you dress like one."

"Fuck off."

"But I'm just playing around! I'm Tori. Your new neighbor, possible love interest, comrade, pal. Are you going to shake my hand now?" She introduced and shook her head.

Tamara reluctantly reached out her hand and grasped Tori's (weirdly sweaty, gross!) hand. Tori clasped the eyeless girl's hand with both of hers and roughly shook their hands together. Tamara hastily withdrew and slipped her earbuds into her pocket.

"I'm Tamara. I really don't want anything to do with you or whatever—" She gestured vaguely towards Tori "—you have going on here, so don't expect me to respond to your requests."

Tori rolled her eyes, sticking out her tongue at the other.

"Awe. I totally thought you'd be the type to rebel with me. You look the part."

"What's that supposed to mean? And for your information, I'm not the one dressed like a target employee mixed with a freaky cosplayer."

Tori was silent before sniggering and placing her hand under her chin.

"Target employee? You wound me. Plus, you cannot be talking. You thought the cat was talking, Tamara."

"Oh, whatever. You can go fuck yourself."

Tamara defended herself as Tori kept smiling with the same cheshire cat smile. A masculine voice called on Tori from another room in her house. Her expression bitterly twisted into a mix between amusement and disappointment.

"That's my call to go fuck myself, I guess. We should talk later."

"Because i'm just the most interesting person? Such a sparkling conversationist? Also no thanks."

"Something like that. But I'm gonna bang on your window regardless."

"No promises I'll be awake, asshole."

"Until then, kitty-boy."

"Shove it."

Just as Tori was turning away, Tamara stopped her.

"Hey, wait," she began. "How did... you even know what song was playing anyways? I had my earbuds plugged in."

Tori turned to look at her. She then smirked. "I have my ways, Tamara. And I thought you wanted me to 'shove it?'"

"Oh my god, you know what I mean." Tamara frowned. "Now tell me."

Tori stared at her, looking bored. "Your headphones weren't actually plugged in, genius. I could hear you."

"Ah." Feeling her face burning, Tam turned back around and shut her window as quickly as she could, pointedly ignoring Tori's amused gaze.

What an asshole.

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