Criminal Affairs

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"I think I love you."

"Uh, thanks? I'm glad that my friend loves me."

"No, you idiot. I'm in love with you."

"You don't really mean that."

"I truly do."

"You aren't thinking right, Tam."

"No, I am. you're the only thing I've been thinking about since we first met. You're a fucking idiot and I... I love you for that! I mean, if I were a guy, I would probably date you."

Tori slowly let Tamara escape from her loosened grip. She looked conflicted as she began to speak.

"I...Tam. I didn't know you felt this way about me. I, well, I'm just... Tori. Why would you love me?" She sounded like she didn't quite believe Tamara.

Tamara sighed and attempted to roll her eyes. "I honestly don't know, loser. So what, am I really getting rejected right now?" Despite her nonchalant demeanor, she could feel her chest getting tighter.

"I mean, if you want."

"Oh my god, Tor. Do you think I want to be rejected?"

Tori sniggered a little at that. "No. I love you too, you dense moron."

"Dense? What do you—"

"I don't want to lose my friend."

"We can be more than friends. We are more than friends right now, I think."


"Promise what? That we're friends?"

"Mmm, sure. If that's what you want."

"Why are you talking as if I'm the one who wants a promise?" Tamara asked incredulously.

She hooked her pinky finger with Tori's before pulling her into another hug.

"I promise."


After almost half an hour of awkward hugging and small talk, Tamara decided to lighten the dull atmosphere.

"So, are we a thing...? Like, boyfriend girlfriend- err, partners?"

"If you'd like to be." Tori said, snuggling into Tamara's side more.

"Hm, I don't really know. After we went through all that I don't think you're worth it."

Tori froze and looked up at Tamara. She saw the other girl smirking at her. Who does she think she is? Tori should've known. She's unlovable, that's why her parents never bother with her. Tamara was probably only friends with her out of pity-

"Oh my god, you dumbass. Are you actually taking me seriously right now?"

"Huh? Wait, what?"

"I was joking. Yes, we are a thing. We're partners. I'll leave you here to think about that, now."


"It's alright, you softie."

"What?! I'm not soft!"

"Where'd your bold personality go? You so nice to me now,"

"Would you rather me start calling you dumbfuck again?"

"I can't believe that I had to be the one to confess, when we first met you were so bold. What happened to that? Did I make you go soft?"

"No! Is it so bad that I love you?"

"Yes. It's awful."

Tamara smiled and stood up to head back to her house.

"That's most of our checklist gone already." Tori looked conflicted again.

Dear Stargirl {A TamTori Neighbor fic}Where stories live. Discover now