Postcode Baby

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It had been two days since the waterfall voyage.

Tamara had been drowning in homework and Tori had been her personal cheerleader, singing to her and telling her about stars through the window.

Tamara always had her headphones pulled over her ears as Tori passionately rambled about astrology.

Tori didn't care if her friend never listened. It helped her relax.

But truth be told Tamara heard every word. Her headphones were always silent, no music playing at all.

"And my favourite constellation is definitely Gemini." Tori bounced up and down on her bed, cheerfully rambling about constellations.

"That's nice Tor."


Tori tugged at the woollen sleeves on her cardigan as she gazed at the sky. The sunset was a mellow pink fading into orange and blue. the moon was merely a sliver, overshadowed by the clouds, light shining through.

"I like to think the stars brought us together. The reason we met."

"I like to think it was the moving truck."

"So uninspiring, kitty-boy."

"Why? Do you want me to be as delusional as you?"

"Certainly. What do you think happens when we die?"

"I don't know. Reincarnation I guess."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. Maybe we'll come back to live another life."

"Aw. How sweet, Tamara."

Tamara tilted her face to meet Tori's. She seemed to be deep in thought but still held a lazy smile.

"What do you think happens?"

"I've told you. Stars."

"Oh yeah. You can gaslight yourself into believing that I guess."

"Of course. You can gaslight yourself into that as well."

Tamara snickered and turned away, sliding her books from her desk into her navy backpack.

Tori blew out the flickering candle beside her before giving Tamara a mock salute.

"Night Kitty-boy."

"Stop calling me that, Star Girl."

"You couldn't be more creative with the nickname?"

"If I remember right, you're the one that calls me Kitty-boy."

Tori only sighed and smiled in return.


"Tam! The post is here!"

The girl merely pulled the covers further over her head. Ten minutes had passed before she decided to drag herself downstairs to collect whatever had arrived.

Her father passed her as she approached the door. Weird.

A small red envelope poked out the golden letter box.

She hastily snatched it up before returning to her room to continue her pointless sleep. A small red rectangular envelope. Nothing special.

She was going to go back to sleep, but her interest was already piqued, so she decided to open it first.

Inside was a decorated sheet of paper, covered entirely in stars and pretty cursive writing. Tamara was intrigued and began reading the writing.

The letter read:
"Dear Tamara,

I know you but you don't know my true identity. maybe that's for the best. You can call me a secret admirer, I guess. Since I don't have the guts to confront you in person, I'll try on paper."

Tamara snorted. What a loser. Too scared to get rejected to his face?

"Reasons I love you:

1. your spikey hair you hate but i love so much.

2. your beautiful smile that lights up like stars."

Tamara grimaced. Whoever this admirer was sure had a way with words. (Read: this is really creepy!)

"3. the way you nervously fiddle with your fingers when you get flustered.

I could name 100 but let's save them for other letters. Expect more.

                           Ever longingly,                                                        

                                                  s.g. <3"

Tamara was a little confused. S.g? Who could that be? She tried to think of all the boys in her class whose names started with s.

Steve, Silas, Sam?

Tamara scratched her head, deepening herself into the identity of her admirer.

Who could've sent her this?

Who was so madly in love with her?

She had to tell someone.

"Tori?" Tamara yanked open her silk curtains to catch a glimpse of Tori pacing by the window. She heard Tamara and immediately shuffled to sit by the ledge.

"Tamara. Nice day, right?"

"Sure thing. Can I ask you something?"

"Oh? What is it? Are you having an identity crisis? Trouble with love? Getting creepy love letters from secret admirers?"

"Oh. That was actually weirdly specific and accurate."

Tamara reached into the back pocket of her jeans to get the envelope.

She gently placed it in Tori's hand. She inspected it, flipping the sides a few times and pulling it up close and far from her face for a view of all angles.

"This. Is an envelope?"

"Open it, idiot."

Tori traced her index finger lightly over the opened crease and pulled out the sheet. She skimmed her eyes over the page before letting it fall into her lap. She licked his lips then laughed.

"So I was right! Secret admirer, Tam?"

"It's not funny!"

"You're right. It's hysterical, actually. Somebody has eyes for the mad cat whisperer."

"When are you going to let me live that down?"

Tori resealed the envelope carefully before returning it to Tamara.

"Do you know the sender?"

"No. But I hope he's cute."

"How shallow. Thinking love is only based on looks. My expectations were high."

Tamara merely scoffed and tossed the envelope onto her bedside table.

"I bet you're just jealous."

"Of what? Admiration?"

"No. That somebody loves me."

"Why would I be jealous?"

"Probably 'cause nobody has ever loved you, or make you feel loved." Tamara mused.

Tori stuck her tongue out playfully as turned away from the window. Her eyes glimmered in the light. She fiddled with her amethyst ring and chuckled.

"Haha. That's a funny one." She said dryly.

"Well, good night Star Girl."

Tori didn't respond.

Dear Stargirl {A TamTori Neighbor fic}Where stories live. Discover now