Safe Haven

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The ever annoying noise of Tamara's phone buzzed obnoxiously under her pillow.

She let out a groan and stretched a limp hand under her pillow.

She clicked her phone on and squinted at the screen, trying her best to ignore the static crackle at her ears and the black spots invading her vision.

'7:20 - math exam today!!! study!!'

Tamara slammed her face back into her pillow before forcefully pushing herself out the warmth of her blankets.

She sluggishly hauled her body over to the drawers, scanning all her clothes for her uniform. She rummaged through the different garments before grabbing the proper clothing.

Her hands were quick to pull her pajama shirt off and discard it as her fingers nimbly buttoned up her new one. The wool was heavy on her hands as she tightly wrapped a scarf around her neck.

It took her less than five minutes to get dressed. She put her hair into that odd ponytail that stuck upright. She hoped that her sour expression would be enough to scare off anyone who wanted to talk to her. (It usually was.)

She didn't bother with any breakfast today, not even a snack to binge on. She was much too stressed today.


Tori was by her window as usual, munching on cherries. To her this was a luxury; simply blissful.

Her morning schedule looked a little like this:

6:30 - Wake up
7:00 - Watch kitty-boy get ready
7:30 - Watch her leave
7:40 - Get dressed
8:00 - Her parents leave the house (without saying goodbye)
8:20 - Beauty routine
8:40 - 9:40 - Study, work, do random things that her parents would not allow her to be doing (if they cared), and eat cherries!

Her next plan was to make some breakfast, but her train of thought was broken by the familiar sound of a door being slammed.

Tori spun her head to the window of the neighbouring house, dropping her cherry which promptly bounced off the windowsill and down onto the concrete below.

Tamara had arrived home and looked... less than her usual perfect.

Her hair was messed up, strands sticking out in every which way. It looked comical, really.

Her clothes were creased, and her scarf was loosely hanging on some rack in her room.

From what Tori could see, Tamara looked really... sweaty? But it was cold out today... Ah whatever. Her face was pale and she looked sickly.

Tori gazed at her. Tamara was so pretty like this, she'll admit. But now was not the time to think of things like that!

She picked up a cherry by its browning stem and aimed it at the window panes.


Tamara froze and looked up at the window but just shook her head. There was this weird atmosphere that seemed different from the usual nonchalant one that followed Tamara around. Tori was getting a little concerned.

Tori lightly pushed open her window.


"I'm not in the mood, Tori."

Tamara remained quiet as she paced around the room. She kicked at her wooden bed posts and screamed into her pillow.

Tori sighed. She popped another cherry into her mouth.

"Tamara. Quick question."

"Tori I already told you i'm not in-"

"Why are you home?"

Dear Stargirl {A TamTori Neighbor fic}Where stories live. Discover now