Helpless Waltz

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Tamara was helpless.

Helplessly in love.

As the few days had passed, she'd feel the sickness growing in her stomach.

It all started with the blossom tree.

Tori was dressed up as usual. This time she was wearing a mint green sweater pulled over a black button up. complimented nicely by her pretty green flower crown, and a flower patterned skirt. Her jewellery was all gemstones.

She tended to use gemstones to indicate her mood. They supposedly had different properties and brought different things.

Today she'd selected emeralds. She claimed they brought good luck and good health, which was what their baby tree would need.

Tori swung her legs back and forth from the low tree branch she sat upon. She brought a bubble wand to her mouth, forming a small flurry of watery bubbles. Tamara was tightly clasping the  wooden handle of a shovel.

A small ditch was being dug by the mentioned, who was currently scowling at her neighbour.

"Aren't you going to help?"

"I will. I'm just observing nature."

"I call bullshit. Come help me you lazy-"

"The clouds are greying. A storm." Tori said dazedly, ignoring Tam.

"Soon?" Tamara tried to look disinterested but frowned more deeply at Tori.

"Maybe. I'm guessing in less than an hour."

Tamara swiped her hand across her forehead, clearing it of the small beads of sweat beginning to appear. Tori hopped off her perch on the tree, grasping a small peach pot with a tiny green plant poking out of the dark soil.

She transferred the sapling from the pot to the ditch, gently patting at the surrounding earth to support the foundation.

Tamara knelt down, admiring the small sprout that would soon be a full flowering blossom tree. Tori reached out for Tamara's hand, clutched her wrist and softly pushed her outstretched hand into the dirt. Tori mimicked the movement and finally stood up.

"There. Now people can know it's ours."

"I don't think many people come here."

"Then the astronauts will know."

"Sure." She drawled sarcastically.

"Lighten up, Tamara!"

Tamara opened her mouth to protest but was immediately shushed by a finger being pushed up to her lips.

"The storm is coming."

"Uh, okay? That's not ominous or creepy at all?"

As if a jinx, a small raindrop bounced off Tamara's cheek and landed on the plant.

Then another droplet.

Then another.

After a few minutes the light drizzle turned into a heavy downpour. Tamara glanced at Tori who began to strip off her drenched mint sweater.

"Woah, Tori. I don't think now is the time to get naked." Tamara choked out, surprised. She quickly averted her gaze and shuffled backwards a few steps.

"You're very funny, Tamara. You know that?"

The black button up was clinging to her skin, hugging her in all the right places (Not that Tamara was looking). Tamara felt her stomach go utterly hollow as Tori outstretched her hand towards her.

The water had landed in multiple strands of her hair, threaded like tiny jewels. Tori's face was brighter than ever as she beamed.

"May I have this dance?"

Tamara reluctantly accepted the hand. Tori roughly yanked Tamara's arm, slamming their bodies together and linking their hands.

"Don't get ahead of yourself now, buddy." Tamara muttered. Tori didn't seem to hear.

Tori wrapped her arms around Tamara's soaked neck as Tamara's hands found their way to Tori's hips. Their feet glided across the uneven soil, them trying their best to maneuver around the murky puddles.

There was no music but they didn't need it. Tamara could hear her own pounding heartbeat drowning out the sound of the ambient rain that poured down. Tori's chest pressed against Tamara's as Tori hugged her closer and dipped her playfully.

Their faces were now only inches away. Tamara could detect the faint smell of bubblegum and cherries on Tori's lips. Tori slowly let her mouth curl into a smirk.

"I never knew you were so fond of me, kitty-boy."

"Shut up. This was your idea in the first place."

Tamara felt a light blush tickle her cheeks nonetheless. She pulled Tori back upright and looked away.

Tori leaned into Tamara's ear, dropping her voice to a melodic whisper.

"Your eyes are so pretty, Tamara."

"Call me Tam."

Tori sighed and smiled softly, the corners of her eyes crinkling as she took Tamara's hand into hers once again.

"C'mon, we should probably find shelter now. And that's another thing checked off of out bucket list!"

"...God, don't ever let me do that again. It was embarrassing."

"Aw, Tam. You have such a way with words."

Tori guided them near a tree that would provide some decent cover and pressed her body closer to Tamara's. She really hoped that this was real. Even if it wasn't, this was a nice dream to distract from the nightmare she calls life.

The two girls continued like this for almost an hour, right through the storm.      


Tori was helpless.

Helplessly in love.

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