Chapter 1: Daughter of Hellfire

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The Celestial City shimmered in a perpetual twilight, a breathtaking vista of white marble spires, golden domes, and winding streets paved with crystal. Angels and celestial beings fluttered about, their wings casting a luminous glow.

In the midst of the city square, surrounded by the Singing Pools, a commotion was brewing. An audience of angels and celestial creatures had gathered, drawn by a heated exchange between two figures.

"You dare challenge my word?" Maeryn's voice was a mix of icy cold and fiery anger. Her silver wings, flecked with red, stood out aggressively, reflecting her heightened emotions.

Standing defiantly before her was Michael, a high-ranking angel known for his unwavering devotion to celestial order. His golden wings fluttered slightly, displaying his irritation. "You are a child, Maeryn. And it's high time someone taught you your place."

Maeryn stepped closer, her blue eyes filled with defiance. "I may be young, but I am not to be belittled. My lineage grants me a place here, whether you like it or not."

A hushed whisper went through the crowd. Maeryn's heritage was no secret. The daughter of Lucifer, she was a living embodiment of heaven and hell.

Just as the confrontation seemed ready to escalate, a commanding voice echoed through the square. "Enough!"

All eyes turned to the source. Lucifer, with wings darker than the midnight sky, approached the scene. His presence alone demanded attention and respect. He cast a glance at the gathering crowd, causing many to avert their eyes.

"Maeryn," he said, his voice dripping with controlled disappointment. He didn't need to shout to command a presence.

She met his gaze, her anger evident, but there was a flicker of something else - perhaps longing for approval. "Father," she acknowledged, inclining her head slightly.

Lucifer turned his gaze to Michael. "Leave," he commanded, the weight in his voice making it more than a mere suggestion.

Michael held Lucifer's gaze for a heartbeat longer than most would dare before nodding and taking flight, leaving the scene with as much dignity as he could muster.

Once he was gone, Lucifer turned to Maeryn, his expression softening ever so slightly. "You cannot continue these confrontations, Mae. They may fear you, but they do not respect you. And respect is what you need."

Maeryn's gaze dropped to the ground. "I only wish to be seen for who I am, not just for whose daughter I am," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

Lucifer sighed, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "This is neither the time nor place. Come," he said, guiding her away from the scene.

The crowd began to disperse, whispers filling the air. And as father and daughter retreated, the shimmering waters of the Singing Pools mirrored the complexities of their relationship a dance of pride, love, expectation, and rebellion.


A/N: Hi y'all. This is my first book, so be gentle in the comments and don't forget to vote, comment and share.

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