Chapter 6: Dance of Dual Flames

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The Celestial Ball was an annual spectacle, an event that showcased the grandeur and elegance of the Celestial City. Angels and beings from all hierarchies gathered in the grand hall, its crystalline walls reflecting the myriad hues of the setting sun. It was a night where hierarchies blurred, and the dance floor became an equalizer.

Maeryn entered the hall, the ethereal light making her wings shimmer in shades of silver and red. Her striking appearance was not just due to her beauty, but also her lineage, causing a mixture of admiration and whispers as she passed.

Aria, already present, was a vision of grace. Her moonlit wings and flowing gown made her look like a celestial goddess. Their eyes met across the room, an electrifying connection that drew them towards each other, even as the crowd watched with bated breath.

The orchestra began a soft, haunting melody, and the two angels found themselves on the dance floor, their movements synchronizing perfectly. The world seemed to blur and fade, leaving just the two of them lost in the dance, their bond evident to all.

As the dance continued, murmurs spread through the audience. "Isn't that Maeryn, the Daughter of Lucifer?" "And she's dancing with Aria Luminis!" "Did you hear about their encounters by the Singing Pools?"

Yet amidst the whispers of admiration, there were also those of skepticism and doubt. "It's a phase," one elder angel commented. "It'll pass." Another added, "Such a union — between the likes of Maeryn and Aria — it's unnatural."

As the night wore on, the two angels remained oblivious to the rising tide of gossip. But, as they left the dance floor, they were approached by Michael, his golden wings reflecting his barely concealed disdain. "Quite the display," he commented sarcastically.

Maeryn, her temper flaring, was about to retort when Aria intervened, her voice calm yet firm. "It's a night of celebration, Michael. Let's keep it that way."

But the tension was palpable, the undercurrents of rivalry and conflicting interests casting a shadow over the evening's festivities. The Celestial Ball had indeed become a stage, reflecting both the heavenly bond forming between Maeryn and Aria and the hellish drama that awaited them.


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