Bonus Chapter: Radiant Rhapsody

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The Celestial City was always alive with events, from grand galas to intimate gatherings. But tonight was special. Tonight, the "Festival of Luminous Love" was being celebrated, an event that commemorated love in all its forms. And at the heart of it all were Maeryn and Aria.

They entered the Grand Ballroom, which was awash with colors of the cosmos. Stars, both real and illusory, floated above, casting a gentle, romantic glow. As they stepped in, a hush fell over the crowd, not because of their recent heroics but because of the palpable bond between them.

Maeryn, dressed in a flowing gown that shimmered like the night sky, extended her hand to Aria, who looked resplendent in a dress that mirrored the colors of dawn. "Care to dance, my love?" Maeryn asked with a teasing smile.

With a joyous laugh, Aria replied, "Try and stop me."

As the music began, a soft, ethereal tune that seemed to resonate with the very heartbeat of the universe, the two angels danced. Their movements were a blend of grace and passion, each step and twirl telling a story of their love.

The onlookers watched in awe, many moved to tears by the sheer emotion of the moment. Here were two souls, from different backgrounds and with different histories, moving in perfect harmony, their love for each other evident in every glance and touch.

As the night progressed, the couple shared tales of their adventures, laughed at shared memories, and dreamt of their future together. They took part in the age-old ritual of the "Luminous Binding," where couples exchanged glowing wreaths, symbolizing their eternal bond.

Sitting in a quiet alcove, Aria whispered to Maeryn, "Do you ever think about how improbable our love is? Amidst all the chaos, the challenges, we found each other."

Maeryn, her eyes reflecting the depth of her feelings, replied, "The universe works in mysterious ways, my love. But of all its wonders, of all its miracles, our love is the one I cherish the most."

As dawn began to break, signaling the end of the festival, the couple, hand in hand, walked towards their sanctuary. Their path was illuminated not just by the city's glow but by their shared love, a force that could rival the brightest star.


They got married!! Yaayyyy!! They are so in love with each other.

When will it be my turn?!😭


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