Chapter 12: Serenade of Sorrow

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The Singing Pools, once a place of solace for Aria, now bore the weight of memories, some sweet and some bitter. The evening after Selene's dramatic reappearance, Aria felt an urge to sing, to let out the tumult of emotions bubbling within her.

Maeryn, respecting Aria's need for space but wanting to be there for her, watched from a distance. As Aria began her song, the very waters of the pools seemed to resonate, each note echoing with pain, love, and longing.

In the glow of a thousand stars, we danced, Two souls, one heart, entranced. Love that burned brighter than the sun, Before the darkness had begun.

Shadows grew, as did our divide, Passions clashed, love pushed aside. Yet in the heart's silent chamber, you remain, A sweet serenade, a haunting refrain.

The song continued, its melody flowing like a river, sometimes calm and sometimes tumultuous. As the final notes faded, the reflection in the pools showed not just Aria, but moments from her past—dances with Selene, heated arguments, tender moments, and painful goodbyes.

Maeryn approached slowly, her heart heavy with the weight of Aria's pain. "She was your world once," she whispered, not as an accusation, but as an acknowledgment.

Aria, tears glistening in her eyes, nodded. "She was. But like stars that burn too bright, we consumed each other. Our love was both our strength and our undoing."

Maeryn took Aria's hands, her touch gentle. "The past shapes us, my love. But it's the present, with all its beauty and scars, that defines us. Whatever the future holds, I want to face it with you."

Aria leaned into Maeryn's embrace, finding comfort in her presence. "I want that too, Mae. More than anything."

As the two angels stood by the Singing Pools, the waters calmed, reflecting the starry sky above—a reminder that even in the darkest times, there's always a glimmer of light.


Maeryn's so sweet. She must be protected at all costs.

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