Chapter 3: Angel's Ire

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As the days passed, the Celestial City buzzed with whispers. Maeryn and Aria's budding connection had not gone unnoticed, and everyone seemed to have an opinion on it. The two angels, however, seemed to exist in their own little universe, frequently found engrossed in hushed conversations by the Singing Pools or strolling side by side through the city's luminescent streets.

However, not all their moments were serene. Aria's innate curiosity often led her to question Maeryn about her past, her heritage, and her intense nature. It was clear she sought a deeper understanding, but her inquiries sometimes touched raw nerves.

"Why are you so defensive all the time?" Aria once asked during a particularly tense conversation, her silver eyes reflecting genuine concern.

Maeryn's response was quick and sharp, her wings bristling slightly. "When you've been judged your entire existence based on lineage and not character, then you can ask me that."

Aria recoiled, but her voice remained gentle. "I just want to know you better, Mae. Not the daughter of Lucifer, but you."

Maeryn's gaze softened, but the walls around her heart remained. "Some scars run deep, Ri. And while they may not always be visible, they shape who we are."

There were days when their interactions were light and full of laughter, but shadows from Maeryn's past frequently cast a pall over their growing relationship. Aria's persistence, driven by genuine interest, occasionally felt like prying to Lilith, leading to moments of withdrawal.

One evening, after another probing conversation, Maeryn's temper flared. "Why must you always dig, Aria? Can't you let the past be?"

Aria, taken aback by the sudden outburst, replied, "I dig because I care. But maybe I shouldn't." Her voice quivered with a mix of frustration and hurt.

As days turned into weeks, the dance between the two angels continued — a blend of deep connection and moments of discord. The Celestial City watched with bated breath, wondering if the bond between Maeryn and Aria would solidify or shatter under the weight of Maeryn's past and her tempestuous nature.



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