Chapter 11: Infernal Return

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The aftermath of the Fracture's sealing brought a deceptive calm to the Celestial City. Angels went about their duties, the luminescent streets bustling with activity once more. But this tranquility was to be short-lived.

Maeryn and Aria, having grown even closer after facing the abyss together, were taking a stroll in the Gardens of Reflection when an unnatural cold wind swept through, snuffing out the radiant glow of the surroundings.

From the midst of this darkness, a haunting voice echoed, chilling yet familiar to Aria. "Missed me, babe?"

As the shadows dissipated, Selene emerged, her appearance a stark contrast to the ethereal beauty of the city. Her wings, once a shimmering silver, now bore dark streaks, and her eyes glowed with a mix of anger, pain, and determination.

Aria, her heart pounding, managed to find her voice. "Selene... Why are you here?"

Selene, her gaze locked onto Aria, replied with a smirk, "To claim what was once mine."

Maeryn, sensing the tension and the history between the two, stepped forward, her stance protective. "The past is gone, Selene. This is not your place anymore."

But Selene's laugh, echoing with a dark mirth, sent shivers down the spines of those who heard. "Oh, dear Maeryn, you think this is about territory? This is about love, betrayal, and unfinished business."

She then turned to Aria, her voice softening, "We were meant to be, Aria. You and me. Not this... pretense with her."

Aria, her emotions a whirlwind of past memories and present commitments, replied, "It's not a pretense, Selene. What we had was real, but it's in the past. We've both changed."

Selene's face contorted in a mix of pain and rage. "You may have moved on, but some wounds never heal."

With a flourish, she summoned a vortex of dark energy, momentarily blinding everyone. When the light returned, Selene was gone, but her words and the promise of further turmoil lingered in the air.

Maeryn turned to Aria, seeking assurance. "Ri, whatever she's planning, we'll face it together."

Aria nodded, her face determined yet shadowed with worry. "Yes, together. But Selene's return is a reminder of a past I can't ignore."

The two angels, bound by love and now a shared adversary, prepared themselves for the trials ahead, their bond the one light in the growing shadows of uncertainty.


Look who decided to show up and she wants our sweet baby, Aria.

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