Chapter 4: Echoes of the Inferno

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The golden light of dawn spilled through the Celestial City, bathing everything in a warm, ethereal glow. But despite the calm scenery, a storm of emotions brewing within the walls of a secluded garden, where Maeryn and Aria sat facing each other, a palpable tension between them.

Maeryn, her usually fiery demeanor slightly subdued, hesitated before speaking, "You ask so much of me, Aria. You want to know my wounds, my fears. But what of you? Who's Selene?"

Aria's eyes, which always seemed to hold galaxies within them, darkened momentarily. She looked away, taking a deep breath before answering. "She... was someone I once held close to my heart."

The hesitance in Aria's voice, so uncharacteristic of her usual confidence, piqued Maeryn's curiosity further. "Yet you never speak of her. Why?"

Aria's fingers traced patterns on the crystalline ground, a faraway look in her eyes. "Some memories are better left untouched. They carry echoes of a time that's painful to remember."

Maeryn leaned forward, her interest unmistakable. "You've seen my inferno, Aria. Perhaps it's time I see yours."

Aria sighed, locking eyes with Maeryn. "Selene and I... We were close, inseparable even. But differences drove us apart, differences that were impossible to bridge."

Maeryn's eyes searched Aria's face, trying to decipher the layers of emotion there. "Was it love?"

Aria hesitated, then nodded slowly. "Yes, but a love that was both our strength and our undoing. We were fire and ice, passion and calm. And when fire meets ice, one is bound to get extinguished."

Maeryn felt a pang of sympathy. She reached out, placing a gentle hand on Aria's. "I'm sorry for prying. But know this, our pasts might shape us, but they don't define us. We decide who we are and who we become, my love."

Aria smiled faintly, squeezing Maeryn's hand in gratitude. "Thank you, Mae. Maybe one day, I'll share more. But for now, just know that not all echoes from the inferno are meant to be heard."

As they sat side by side, two angels with storied pasts, they realized that sometimes understanding came not from knowing everything but from respecting the silences that held unsaid stories.

A/N: Tensions rose but Mae handled it well, or is she bottling her feeling to end up exploding at a later date?!

Dun dun dunnnn

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