Chapter 5: Market of Mischief

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The Midnight Market was a paradox, both a well-kept secret and a bustling hub, tucked away in a shadowy corner of the Celestial City. Unlike the radiant avenues and luminous gardens, here, the atmosphere was charged with a different kind of energy — one of mischief, secrets, and forbidden allure.

Maeryn had heard whispers of the Midnight Market but had never ventured there herself. Tonight, driven by a mix of curiosity and a desire for distraction, she found herself wandering its maze-like alleys.

Stalls illuminated by lanterns of varying colors showcased strange artifacts, ancient potions, and enchanted relics. Murmured negotiations filled the air, punctuated by the occasional cackle or whisper of a spell.

Drawn to a particularly dimly lit stall, Maeryn watched as a cloaked figure showcased a dark crystal pulsating with an eerie light. "The essence of the Nether Realm," the figure hissed, its voice barely audible. "Perfect for... reconnections."

As she continued her exploration, Maeryn felt a growing unease. Among the buyers and sellers, she caught snatches of conversation that made her skin prickle. Whispers of a power shift in the Celestial City, murmurs of an old force returning, and a name that seemed to be on everyone's lips — Selene.

Unbeknownst to Maeryn, in a secluded corner of the market, a clandestine meeting was underway. Hidden beneath a heavy cloak, Selene's unmistakable silhouette conferred with a group of shadowy figures. Her voice, though low, carried a tone of authority and determination. "The time is near. The Celestial City will once again remember what real power feels like."

One of the figures, a dark sorcerer known for dabbling in forbidden magic, presented a vial containing a swirling silver mist. "This will aid you, but remember, its effects are temporary. Use it wisely."

Selene took the vial, her eyes glinting with anticipation. "Don't worry. Once I'm back, I won't need trinkets. Aria will be mine again, and nothing, especially not Maeryn Morningstar, will stand in my way."

As Maeryn left the market, a heavy sense of foreboding settled in her heart. The night's discoveries hinted at challenges and confrontations looming on the horizon. And as the first light of dawn began to pierce the night, the lines of alliance and enmity in the Celestial City started to redraw themselves

A/N: Look who makes her appearance. 

Will she be successful in her endeavors or will Mae be able to stop her, or will Aria know that she is back and try stopping the problem herself before Mae?!

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