Chapter 8: Hellfire's Lament

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The Celestial City's nights were always tranquil, but for Aria, this night was a journey through a storm of memories, each more intense than the last. The glow of her quarters illuminated old parchments and artifacts from her past, including a delicate silver pendant that once belonged to Selene.

As she held the pendant, a rush of memories engulfed her:

The golden age of the Celestial City, a time of prosperity and joy. Among the elite angels, two figures stood out — Selene, a visionary with an ambitious spirit, and Aria, the calm to Selene's storm.

Their first meeting was unexpected. A chance encounter during one of the grand assemblies turned into late-night conversations about dreams, aspirations, and the mysteries of the universe. Their contrasting personalities only fueled their attraction. Where Aria was serene and reflective, Selene was fierce and passionate.

One evening, atop the Tower of Elysium, they shared their first kiss. The city below seemed to vanish as their worlds centered on each other. It was the beginning of a passionate, fiery, and tumultuous relationship.

But as the days turned into months, cracks began to appear. Selene's ambitious plans for the city and its hierarchy often clashed with Aria's ideals of peace and harmony. Heated arguments became frequent, their love tested by ideological differences.

"You don't understand, Aria," Selene once exclaimed during a particularly intense disagreement. "For us to ascend, for us to truly evolve, sacrifices must be made!"

Aria, her patience wearing thin, retorted, "And at what cost, Selene? The very soul of our city?"

Their final argument was the most explosive. Accusations were hurled, past mistakes unearthed, and by dawn, the two were estranged. Aria was left heartbroken, while Selene, feeling betrayed, vanished from the Celestial City.

Aria's fingers tightened around the pendant. The memories were bittersweet — a testament to the heights of love and the depths of despair. A soft knock on her door jolted her from her reverie.

It was Maeryn, her eyes filled with concern. "You've been distant today," she began. "Is everything okay?"

Aria hesitated before answering. "Just memories, baby. Ghosts from the past."

Maeryn, sensing the weight of Aria's thoughts, moved closer. "Whatever it is, we'll face it together."

Aria smiled faintly, taking solace in Maeryn's comforting presence, even as the shadow of Selene loomed ominously over their newfound bond.


Ouuuh! We get to see a bit of the past of Aria and Selene.

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