Chapter 10: Rifts of Ruin

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The Celestial City, for all its luminous beauty, was not immune to darkness. Beneath its radiant streets and ethereal gardens lay the Fracture, a dormant chasm of raw, chaotic energy. Ancient tales spoke of its awakening only in times of great discord, threatening to engulf the city in its destructive force.

Recently, tremors had begun, subtle at first but growing in intensity. The city's elders convened urgently, sensing the shift in the equilibrium. The very foundation of their world was at risk.

Amidst the gilded corridors of the High Chamber, a heated debate raged. Some believed the Fracture's awakening was tied to the shifting dynamics in the city — the tumultuous relationships, the return of old powers, and the forbidden alliances.

Michael, ever the voice of authority, spoke up. "The Fracture senses the imbalance. It feels the discord, the rifts in our unity. We must set our differences aside and seal it, lest our world be consumed."

Maeryn, attending the assembly, couldn't help but feel the weight of the glares directed at her. Her relationship with Aria, her lineage, and the shadows of the past—all seemed to factor into the city's current predicament.

But Aria, ever the voice of reason, stood up. "Blame will not heal the Fracture. We need unity and understanding. Maeryn is no more responsible for this than any of us. The Fracture is a manifestation of all our actions."

Whispers filled the chamber, but they were silenced by a sudden, powerful tremor, more potent than any before. The Fracture was stirring, and time was running out.

Gathering a group of skilled angels, including Maeryn and Aria, a plan was formed to approach the Fracture and attempt a sealing ritual. Armed with relics of power and ancient incantations, they journeyed to the depths of the city.

Standing at the edge of the chasm, they could feel the raw energy emanating from it, threatening to break free. With joined hands, they began the ritual, their combined energies forming a luminescent barrier.

As they chanted, memories of conflicts, pain, love, and unity flashed before them, reminding them of the thin line between ruin and salvation.

The ritual's climax approached, and the barrier seemed to be holding, but then a powerful surge from the Fracture threatened to break it. It was in this moment of crisis that Maeryn and Aria, drawing strength from their bond, added their own unique energy to the mix. The combined might of their love and determination strengthened the barrier, sealing the Fracture once more.

Exhausted but triumphant, the group returned to the surface, their deed restoring balance to the Celestial City. However, the event served as a stark reminder: the strength of the city lay not just in its luminous beauty but in the unity and understanding of its inhabitants.


A bit of a filler chapter, ik boring stuff. but the exciting stuff is coming soon.

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