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«Oppa, the carbonara was great, thank you,» Emma told Jin in a cold tone.

Everybody noticed the lack of emotion in her words but didn't voice it.

«Well, I used you're recipe, so of course was good.»

«Still I prefer Noona's one,» Kookie told them with his mouth still full of food. «I don't know, but hers have something special.»

«But still stuffing your mouth with mine,» Jin told their youngest. «Ah, what should I do with you?» Trying to lift the mood.

After dinner the group moved to the living, at that point, everyone was playing and laughing also Emma in her little was smiling but the emptiness of her own was killing their spirits.

«I missed all this,» she said gaining the attention of the entire house. «I thought I wouldn't be able to see all of you again. He crept me with malicious thoughts. Every day he would try to convince me that you abandoned me, that you didn't care about me enough to search for me, that I was an aberration, a being unworthy to walk on the same path of the respectable people.» listening to that detached speech made them shiver. It was like she was the perpetrator, not the victim.

«I started to think that just a month wasn't enough for you to remember me. I thought that only Mimi was still searching for me and you were doing fine even without me...

«I wished to give up, to escape the torture, I prayed that the earth would shake and swallow me. I hoped he would just comply with his promise, and just end my miserable life, there; I was tempted to end everything with the chain but then I thought about the baby, my baby had to live, had to escape that prison even without me in the picture.» Jimin hugged her tightly when she started trembling like crazy at the memory.

Now everyone in the house was in tears. The girls visibly shaken were in the arms of their bf, while Mimi wasn't sure if hug her friend or stay still.

«I'm sorry, I'm so sorry,» she said gripping at the fabric of her pants. «For leaving you for so long with him. I tried to search for you by myself, but I couldn't find any trace.» Mimi said between hiccups.

«Come,» Emma said patting her tights, Mimi rested her head on them. «Stop crying.» She said smoothing her hair.

The house was silent, only soft cries were audible.

«When will you start consulting a psychologist?» Namjoon asked breaking the silence.

«Tomorrow, the hospital contacted me this afternoon,» Jimin replied in her stead. «I'll take you there and wait for you.» Emma looked at the faces of the other guys.

«You have work tomorrow, right?»
Taehyung nodded, «But we can postpone it if he wants to go with you!»

«No, I don't want to be a burden, I'll call a taxi to take me there.»

«NO!!!» was the, more than understandable, objection of Jimin. «Don't you even think about going anywhere around without someone!»

«Jimin, I don't have anything to lose anymore. The doctor said I'm infertile, I won't ever be able to have children. I lost everything,» she was cold almost glacial when she said that.

«You still have me!» he said gripping on her, he could already feel that he was losing her.

Emma shook her head. «No, I know you want children, and I can't give you any. You will find someone else, someone who's not broken.»

He shushed her. «You're not broken. Who cares if you can't, we can adopt, but you not being in the frame, is something that I don't want to accept.»

Ice-cold silence fell on the room. «Mimi, can you take me home? I think I've just ruined the evening.» Emma said getting up from her spot.

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