Branding the Stars (Brandy Selby, aka Starbrand)

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"We are getting out, webhead. Are you coming?" The arachnid hero looked at the group of Steve Rogers, Anthony Stark, Thor and Robert Reyes; the heroes completely nude and with towels covering their lower region. The arachnid hero thought about it, having been there quite some time. Though it had not been as much time as the four heroes that were leaving at this moment. He could stay for a bit longer, enjoy the hot springs of the newest base of the Avengers.

"You go on ahead, Stark" The arachnid hero answered back, relaxing quite a bit in the warm waters. He had his eyes closed, sighing to himself as he completely began to think about the many problems that he would have to solve once he was back in New York. But that was not any time soon, more so now that he would be alone to enjoy this moment. He was thankful that Stark invited him for a few days. And though he was no longer an active member of the Avengers, the friendships that they had made were still strong. "I'll stay a bit longer"

"Suit yourself" Spider-Man smiled behind his mask, the only piece of his suit that he currently had on. He was still not ready to fully make them remember, not yet. From the group that just left, only Steve remembered who he truly was and that was more than enough. He was not ready to reveal who he was to even more people from their community, not even because of the past that he may have had with some of them. The back of his mind ignoring a painful memory of one of the many close teammates that he had.

He just closed his eyes, enjoying the humid zone that he currently was in. It had been quite some time since he had been able to enter a hot spring, a moment that he remembered quite well. And while it was not one of his best memories at this moment in time, he could admit that what happened had been an unforgettable memory. So he just sighed, once again relaxing in the waters. But it was then that his senses caught the slight gasp, which made him open his eyes to see what was wrong. His eyes blinked twice, only to widen with slight horror at exactly who he was seeing.

His eyes stared right at a blonde haired female, who was covering herself with a white towel. Her blue eyes stared at him with a slight gleam in her eyes, even when he saw that she was quite surprised at seeing him there. He tried not to look, guilt making its way into his mind just knowing who the female was. She may appear as a young adult, but he knew that she had been alive for less than five years. Her accelerated aging made her age every time that she used her powers, which was the reason as to why he avoided looking at the female. He had many problems in his hands to gain a few more just because of a slight accident.

"B-Brandy?!" Peter almost shouted, the loudness of his voice not reaching the levels of a scream. His eyes looked anywhere but at Brandy Selby, the female hero that was using the alias of Starbrand. He knew that she was still looking at him, he could feel her eyes on him. He didn't dare move an inch, fearful of what the female may see if he did so. So he stayed still, unmoving while the female was still looking at him. He was blushing out of embarrassment, his mind thinking back to the offer made by Stark. And it was then that he realized that he should have definitely gotten out of the hot springs with them. "What are you doing here?!

"I thought there was no one here" Her response, which also had a scoff at the end, made him only groan a bit. She was acting as if being there with him on the nude was no problem at all. He still was not looking at her, and still trying to find the way to get out of there without making things even more embarrassing than it needed to be. Unfortunately for the arachnid hero, it seems as if Starbrand was not giving him a choice. "Though I can see now that I am in very good company~"

"Oh god..." Peter almost wanted to go underwater and drown himself. Don't get him wrong, he knew that physically the two of them could, technically, be together in a relationship. But just looking at her reminded him of the baby girl that the Avengers had saved, having received photos of the girl from Stark. So it was weird to see someone that was supposed to be just a child in the body of a young adult woman and flirting with him. "Just kill me already"

"I can think of a few ways~" Before he could even react to her words, she collided with him and consequently tossed him out of the water. He could even see just how she was looking at him, thirst in her eyes with a hint of contained lust. It was probably a mix of frustration and puberty hitting her at the same time. "And I can see that you can agree with me~" His eyes widened almost comically, understanding quite well what she was talking about. He tried to move his hand to at least cover his lower region, but she had him snared, trapped under her hold. "Yeah... I am very happy with the end result~"

He just gulped, actually resigning himself to his fate. He was not about to push or mistreat the female on top of him. Maybe it was because she had been the female that had an interest in him in the last months or because he was tired of being alone, but he just accepted what was going to ultimately happen between the two. He was only glad that she was at least a young adult physically. And it was not like he could say anything about it, he knew that many of the female students that he had were intensely attracted to him but never acted upon those feelings. But all he hoped was that he would survive this encounter with Brandy, who was now kissing him while grinding her hips on his own.

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