Chapter 12

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When the couple finally got to the place the gangster girl had told them, which was an abandoned amusement park, they both moved quickly, not wanting anything worse to happen to the other two guys. If anything bad happened to them yet, that's what Heejin thought.

She didn't want to see them hurt, not if he was his best friend and the only new friend she'd made in a long time.

— Oh, Sooho hates amusement parks. — Heejin said to herself with a grimace, feeling as Sieun let go of her hand, that made her look in his direction, hoping not to see him roll down the hill that they had been climbing for, already, a few minutes, however, just saw him pick up his cell phone and then run to a small space hidden between some large plants of the place. Departing with some difficulty, he walked to a confused Heejin, taking her hand again, intertwining their fingers, their eyes collided and she swallowed, pointing to the place he had just left. — what did you do?

— A little time. — He answered her simply before walking quickly next to her. At this point, Heejin was surprised not to see him almost faint for the amount of time they'd been walking already, that was quite peculiar, but she wasn't going to complain because in the state of mind she was in, she would possibly have left him halfway just to find Bumseok and Sooho quickly.

Will he be exercising? Cardio, yeah, maybe cardio.

Sieun clearly was tired, in his head he was panting for air, mostly because of that huge slope they had had to climb, although he wasn't going to lie, he had been exercising a little more, he didn't go to a gym, he did it at home. Maybe that's why the changes were slower, but it had been constant and that was the important thing, although sometimes it frustrated him a little, he wanted for sure to do it.

He have a reason.

When they both reached the end of the big slope, Sieun thanked heaven because he could breathe a little more freely and not force himself to breathe quietly just so Heejin wouldn't think what he needed an inhaler. Pulling his free hand out of his hoodie, he couldn't see long before Heejin let go of his hand and ran in a direction unknown to him, something that clearly stunned him, so much so that he followed her. Running as fast as he could not lose sight of her, when both heard a big noise, stopped, tensing, Sieun cursed when he saw how that made Heejin run, even faster at the origin of the noise.

A police siren began to be heard, just as they both arrived in front of the group they had been looking for, Heejin sighed with some tiredness, touching her chest for some air. — Ah, couldn't you pick a place with more slopes? — The girl complained, looking at the man with some annoyance.

He laughed, looking at the couple who had just arrived at the place, somehow, he had liked the guts they both seemed to have for getting there, however, he was upset, too, and that was enough to want to hit someone at the time. — you fucking... Look, I thought they were weaker, but you turned out to be pretty brave, didn't you?

Heejin complained, feeling her legs hurt, looking at the man with some annoyance, ah, how she hated men. — Listen, if you don't want to spend your life in that dirty prison, I advise you to get out of here. — She said, smiling with feigned innocence before moving on to point her own ear looking at the man almost sarcasm. — The cops are coming, in case you haven't heard yet.

The man looked at them both, noticing their postures, they were not at all similar, both looked tired, of course, but the girl's posture looked much braver than the boy next to her, almost as if she was ready to throw punches if someone proposed. After cursing them, the eldest ran out with some boys, who still seemed afraid enough to stay there, or perhaps it was the presence of the police more than the man.

Heejin didn't think much about it once the road was clear, running towards Sooho and Bumseok, who had been relieved to see the faces of their friends, they had thought they were going to die or worse. Bumseok more than anything, because Sooho had just woken up and what he knew was how his shoulder hurt from the position in which his hands had been tied.

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