Step 11

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Darrian's P.o.v

Wick's house 📍

Today is the day I'm finally proving DD wrong and getting my reputation back. My name has been drug through the mud, and I'm proving everyone wrong, not that I need to, but for self-validation. I'm not sure if I want to get back with DD after the DNA test, but he obviously has trust issues that don't involve me, and the fact that he let Blu easily manipulate him lets me know he's too emotionally immature to be in a relationship with. Anyway, I'm going to Wick's house; I heard that's where DD is staying. I hope so, I don't feel like chasing him around to make him  a father. I walked up to Wick's door and knocked; it took a couple of minutes, then he arrived.

"Hi, Wick is DD here"?

"Yeah he's upstairs in the guest bedroom"

He fully opens the door and points upstairs. I walk upstairs nervously. My gut was wrenching with each step, not expecting what to see. Wick lives in the not-so-nice part of town, but Wick's house is nice on the inside. Finally making it to the top, I see a room with the door open and D sitting on the bed just playing the game. I stood in the door frame waiting for him to address me, but he just kept playing, which pissed me off, so I went to the outlet and unplugged the TV, and he threw the remote at the wall and yelled

"Yo, what the fuck are you doing"?

"You saw me standing here we need to talk"

He sighed "ok Darrain talk"

"I called my doctor and he said we can do the DNA test"

"Don't we have to wait till the baby is here to do that? He asked

"No actually we don't they just need to swab your mouth for DNA
and their gonna take my blood"

"Ok, so when do we go"?


Clinic 📍

DD and I are now in the waiting room of the clinic, ready to get this over with we drove  in complete silence with only just the radio playing . I didn't even say thank you when he held the door open for me.

"So what happened at the mall with Blu"? He asked

"Really D? That's the only thing you want to ask me? Not how I've been doing, how's work going, or school, just straight to what happened with Blu; what's your obsession with him"?

"I'm not obsessed with that nigga; he's an opp."

Well, you could have fooled me," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Mr. Jimenez, the doctor may see you now," the front desk lady said.

We make our way into Mr. Oliver's office.

"Hello Darrian It's nice to see you again, and this must be the Father nice to finally meet you," DR. Oliver said in a shady tone.

"I'm maybe the father," D said in a whisper that only I could hear.

I hit him in the chest, annoyed that he would say that.

"Ok, so Mr.—I'm sorry I didn't get your name"?

"Just call me D."

OK MR.D I'm going to swab your mouth with this swab stick to collect your DNA, and I'm going to take Darrin's blood. About 10% of the DNA fragments floating in the blood come from the fetus."

After finishing Dr. Oliver's orders, we sat in the clinic room in silence. While Dr.Oliver left to do the DNA test, I was so pissed that he put me through this all because of what Blu said. But it wasn't long before the silence was broken.

"So what if the baby is mine? We're going to get back together"? D asked

"No," I said blankly.

"No? What you mean, I'm all you got, and ain't no other Nigga taking care of my child?"

Oh, now you want to claim the baby, but you were just putting it on Blu."

"That's because I wasn't sure, then I see you with the nigga at the mall arguing like y'all together or something, and I have a right to question you," D said angrily.

No, you had no right. I stood by you even at your lowest. I went against my mom's wishes just to be with you, and you stabbed me in the back and treated me like some hoe."

"So we're just going to be done, huh"?

"You quit school and you have no job; you sell drugs. Why would I want to be with you anymore, and you want me to let you around our child?"

Before he could respond, Dr.Oliver came back with test results in hand.

Alright, Mr. D, the moment you've been waiting for in the result of this little fetus here because we have no gender yet. According to the DNA samples you and Darrian provided, you are the father."

I just rolled my eyes and folded my arms all this time when I been told this nigga. I can't believe this, my baby daddy. Now I really have to spend 18 years with this nigga.

"Are you happy now, D?"

"I'm sorry"

"That's it? You're sorry?  You should be ashamed. Everyone at school talks shit about  me because of you. They think I cheated on you and got pregnant by Blu. They think I'm the reason you dropped out.

"Darrain I'm sorry, why didn't you tell me?"

"I couldn't you ignored me; you abandoned me and your child."

"I don't know what you want me to say, but I'm sorry," he said desperately.

"You know what Just stay away from me, okay? When the kid is coming or if I need anything, I'll call you."

You're tripping, Darrain. I'm not going anywhere. The DNA test says you're mine, and I'll be damned if you think you can just walk away from me with my kid in you."

"We're over D."

"We're not I fucked up , I admit, but I can't change the last few weeks we had; it's the past, and there's no point in dwelling on it."

"Like I said, D fuck off, I'm done. Just accept it, drop me off back at Wick's house so I can pick up my car, and don't text or call me.

-tell me how I did on my first chapter or if your into it I know it's not perfect as far as grammar wise but I'm so proud of it ❤️like and comment

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