Genre : Adventure/Comedy/Action (Dub)
One piece is a anime about a boy named Monkey D. Luffy wants to gain the ultimate treasure called "One Piece" to become the pirate king. One day when Luffy was a child he ate a devil fruit which is a fruit that gives you a mysterious power. The devil he ate was called the "Gum gum" fruit which gave him the ability to become like rubber which let him to stretch his arms and legs or manipulate his body to become like a huge balloon. He slowly starts meeting new people on his journey and battle all kinds of people. He gains crew members on his journey and aims for the one piece. It might seem boring at first but once you keep watching throughout the episodes you will certainly start to love it.
(One Piece is currently in the process of making 2,000 episodes! So far they have made 900+!)
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