Genre : Violence/Comedy/Adventure/Fighting/Supernatural/Drama
Full Metal Alchemist is a anime about a boy named Edward Elric and his brother Alphonse A.K.A Al search for the rumored stone that says it could revive their bodies. When Al and Edward were little their mother had died suddenly when they came home. They tried using a transmuting circle which either fixes something or revives something but in order to do that you need to sacrifice a equal amount to what your going to revive or fix. When Edward and Al tried to revive their mother from the dead Al's body was gone and Edward's left arm and right leg were gone.. Al became a living armor statue. But the results of their mother was failure. They had to bury her. So in order to revive their old body and body parts they went to search for the stone called, "philosopher stone".
(Sorry this was another episode on watt pad that didn't allow the video on youtube..)
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RandomAha. Aha. AHAHAHA. Why does this story have 100k views? *WARNING* This is heavily outdated, made this in 5th grade, and one of the most weebiest stories I've ever read. Also take note that these animes are NOT in order and just are animes I liked in...