Genre : Comedy (Dub)
Ouran Highschool Host Club is an anime about a girl who looks like a boy was able to get in the rich and famous Ouran Highschool. Her name is Haruhi Fujioka, she is an honor student. One day she was roaming around the school looking for a quiet place to study and went into the music room. But the music room turned out to be a host club! As she went in she had accidentally broke a very expensive vase that was going to be auctioned off. So to repay the cost of the vase she was forced to work as a host member.
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RandomAha. Aha. AHAHAHA. Why does this story have 100k views? *WARNING* This is heavily outdated, made this in 5th grade, and one of the most weebiest stories I've ever read. Also take note that these animes are NOT in order and just are animes I liked in...