8: The New Old Job

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Not only adopted Hell Crowley again, he also got a higher rank.

Shax had Beelzebub's old position, and she promptly decided to make Crowley her second in command. Well, not really second in command, more like she'll tell him or ask him something and he'll answer or do it.

He was more like a personal assistant.

It was ironic, Crowley thought. He declined his old-old position, a pretty high one for angels, but he accepted a high rank as a demon.

Well, he noticed. Wasn't about the position, was it?

'So, what exactly is my job?', he asked.

Shax looked at him, searching for an answer. 'I don't care. For now. I'll tell you when you have to do something.'

She gestured to an office near hers, which apparently was now his. And he once again was reminded why he liked Earth so much.

It was a room with a big desk and chair. None of his plants. Obviously.

He was still confused about the encounter with Aziraphale, but didn't have a lot of time to think about it in peace, because an old 'friend' visited him.


'Hastur! Old friend, you need to do something for me.'

Hastur looked at him, unimpressed. 'Beelzebub made the better choice, wanting to kill you.'

'Well, they're off to my stars now. Go up to Earth and check the house where I was before I got teleported down here.' He took a breath. 'Tell me when you see Aziraphale.'

Hastur gave him a look. 'Your only friend? The one who rejected you?'

Ah, so everyone in Hell did know. How nice. 'Exactly.'

And finally, for a moment he had his peace before Hastur called him. 'Could he have changed?'

Crowley heard whimpering in the background. 'If it's the scruffy-looking brown-haired douchebag you're talking about, no. He looks the same as when you last saw him.'

He then sat there and waited, staring at his phone. He didn't know what else to do. In fact, he didn't know what to do at all. Perhaps being alone and thinking wasn't the best thing he should do right now.

So, because he hadn't in a while, he decided to walk around Hell a bit.

He hasn't been spending a lot of time down there, for obvious reasons, but even when he still was a demon, he didn't either.

Because Hell was what you think it would look like: Hell.

As he was walking through the scruffy looking hallways, he felt that with every step he took forwards, he distanced himself from Aziraphale more.

It was that if he would just take one more step, he would forget about him.

He did not want to forget. Not ever.

Crowley still felt Aziraphale's presence, though. He felt him still, somewhere.

'Within the veiled realm of the unknown, a fragment escapes my discerning gaze, yet my trust resides in the divine entity. The profound power shall traverse the
connection between two souls, while only a handful shall stand as advocates for a malevolent finale, their presence teeble against the currents of fate.'

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listen. i'm sorry for not uploading.

but i'm in france right now and i FINALLY managed to find a spot with very bad wifi here. when i'm outta here (it really is terrible and i'm here with the big family) it'll continue normally again.

so, so sorry for the delay and short chapter.

still wanna vote for me to have a positive feeling when i have wifi and open this app again?

(no pressure. that sounded ironic, sorry, but it isn't.)

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